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A Feast for the Soul: Family Devotionals Before Thanksgiving Dinner

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As the aroma of Thanksgiving feasts fills the air and families gather around tables adorned with gratitude, there's an opportunity to boost the spirit before indulging in the bountiful meal. Today we are sharing four heartwarming devotionals that are designed to usher in a sense of thankfulness and unity. Each devotional provides moments of connection and reflection, deepening bonds as we prepare our hearts to celebrate Thanksgiving in the most meaningful way—with family and a spirit of gratitude.

Devotional 1: "Overflowing Gratitude"

Scripture: Psalm 107:1 (NIV)
"Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever."

This devotional, titled "Overflowing Gratitude," centers around Psalm 107:1, urging individuals to give thanks to the Lord for His enduring love. It encourages self-reflection on moments of experiencing God's goodness, emphasizing gratitude beyond positive situations. The devotional suggests actively engaging in sharing examples of blessings and concludes with a prayer for nurturing hearts of gratitude and encouragement to let gratitude transform one's perspective.

Download the PDF here

Devotional 2: "Thanksgiving Joy"

Scripture: Philippians 4:4 (NIV)
"Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!"

The devotional, "Thanksgiving Joy," centers on Philippians 4:4, encouraging individuals to rejoice in the Lord always. It reflects on the connection between gratitude and joy, emphasizing how thanksgiving can bring about a deep sense of rejoicing. The reflection prompts consideration of moments when gratitude has brought joy and challenges readers to find joy in expressing thanks for both blessings and lessons learned. The prayer seeks help in nurturing a spirit of gratitude for lasting joy, and the encouragement wishes for the joy of the Lord to fill hearts as gratitude becomes a testimony of being anchored in His love during Thanksgiving.

Download the PDF here

Devotional 3: "The Table of Thanksgiving"

Scripture: Psalm 23:5 (NIV)
"You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows."

The devotional, "The Table of Thanksgiving," draws inspiration from Psalm 23:5, presenting a metaphorical "table of thanksgiving" symbolizing God's provision and abundance. It encourages reflection on areas of abundant provision, moments of feeling God's presence in challenges and recognizing His overflowing love. The application suggests intentionally acknowledging God's presence and sharing stories of His generosity during Thanksgiving, fostering gratitude and appreciation. The prayer expresses thanks for God's blessings and seeks His guidance in recognizing His hand at work. The encouragement wishes for a sense of awe and gratitude to fill hearts at the Thanksgiving table.

Download the PDF here

Devotional 4: "A Thankful Heart"

Scripture: Colossians 3:15 (NIV)
"Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful."

The devotional, "A Thankful Heart," focuses on Colossians 3:15, highlighting the connection between gratitude and the peace of Christ. It encourages reflection on moments when gratitude has brought inner peace and suggests considering how a thankful attitude can impact relationships. Individuals are encouraged to commit to nurturing a grateful heart as a daily habit, extending peace and gratitude to others, and fostering unity within the community. The prayer expresses gratitude for the peace that comes from a thankful heart and seeks guidance in expressing gratitude in all circumstances. The encouragement emphasizes letting gratitude be the key to opening the door to inner peace and unity.

Download the PDF here

May your Thanksgiving Celebration be Abundant in Love, Faith, and the Warmth of Family

As you incorporate these family devotionals into your Thanksgiving traditions, may the moments of reflection and gratitude become threads weaving the fabric of togetherness through shared faith and love. May the essence of thanksgiving linger in your hearts, transforming the gathering around your table into a truly blessed and joy-filled occasion. Let these moments of devotion be a foundation for lasting memories, reinforcing the significance of gratitude not just during the holiday season but throughout the entire year. 

Happy Thanksgiving,

Your Friends from Torrance Church of Christ





Building Strong Foundations

In the timeless verses of Matthew 7:24-27, Jesus shares a profound metaphor that transcends the ages, resonating with universal truths and enduring relevance.

The imagery of building a house with a solid foundation, capable of withstanding the storms that inevitably assail, reveals a parallel to the challenges and choices we encounter in our lives. This scripture encapsulates the universal importance of constructing a well-built life on an unshakable foundation, emphasizing the significance of our choices and the enduring wisdom found in the teachings of Christ. Join us as we dissect the words of this parable and its application to the challenges that echo through the corridors of our existence.

The Wise Builder - Foundation on the Rock

The wise builder emerges as a luminary figure, embodying qualities that resonate with intentionality and discernment. At the core of their character lies wisdom, an extensive understanding of Christ's teachings that transcends the temporary allure of immediate gratification. The wise builder's decision-making process is thoughtful and deliberate, extending beyond the immediate present to consider the ongoing implications of each choice. It's a forward-thinking approach grounded in the principles of prudence and sagacity.

In the symbolic landscape painted by the parable, the rock becomes more than mere geological matter; it becomes a powerful representation of Christ Himself. Choosing to build on the rock signifies more than architectural stability; it signifies a commitment to a foundation firmly anchored in the unchanging principles of faith, trust, and obedience to the teachings of Jesus. Analogous to a physical structure fortified in rock withstanding external pressures, a foundation rooted in Christ offers stability and resilience amid life's tumultuous challenges.

The Foolish Builder - Foundation on the Sand

Serving as a cautionary tale, the fragility of the house on the sand urges us to reflect on the consequences of neglecting to build upon a foundation fixed in Christ. As the storms loomed on the horizon, the challenges faced by the foolish builder began to unfold. These storms, symbolizing the trials and uncertainties that pepper our human journey, weren't merely meteorological but rather reflections of conflicts and struggles. The foundation built upon the loose sand is as shifting and unreliable as the transient values of the world; a life constructed on fleeting ideals; a life devoid of a solid connection with Christ. Inherent to the human experience, the storms laid bare the vulnerability of a foundation built on sand— be they personal, relational, or existential. 

Applying the Lesson in Daily Life

The metaphor of a well-built house becomes a poignant analogy for the resilience and stability required in the face of life's storms, bringing to light the practicality of building a life with a foundation embedded in faith. Representing an individual who listens to the teachings of Christ and puts them into practice; actively applying them to shape their life, the wise builder encourages us to reflect on the areas where our foundations may need reinforcement, acknowledging weaknesses and committing to intentional growth. 

Assessing our foundations requires a deliberate introspection into our beliefs, the quality of our connections, and the reasoning behind our choices. Pause for a moment and ask yourself: Is your faith grounded in the principles of Christ? Consider the intricate architecture of your relationships. Are they built on the solid bedrock of love, trust, and mutual respect? When it comes to decision-making, scrutinize your choices. Do they coincide with your values and carve a path toward a lasting vision?

The journey to a robust foundation is a continual process — one that involves self-awareness, commitment, and a reliance on Christ. Below are steps you can take to evaluate and fortify your foundations.


In the face of life's inevitable storms, the parable extends the invitation to build our lives on the unshakable foundation of Christ. As you start to identify cracks within your foundation, may you find encouragement in the power of intentional reconstruction. Let your decisions, relationships, and faith be anchored in the bedrock of Christ's teachings. The call to action is now yours — reflect, fortify, and build. For in the intentional construction of a life rooted in Christ, you forge a foundation that withstands the ferocity of the storms.

-Torrance Church of Christ

Faith in Action: Christian Values and Veterans Day

As we celebrate Veterans Day, let us remember that the values we hold as Christians—service, gratitude, unity, and protection—resonate with the dedication and sacrifice of our veterans. Take a moment to express your appreciation and, in doing so, live out the call to love one another and honor those who have served with distinction and honor.


Sacrifice and Service: The Bible emphasizes the value of service and sacrifice. Veterans exemplify these values through their willingness to put their lives on the line to protect their fellow citizens and preserve the freedoms we hold dear. The ultimate act of sacrifice is often seen as a reflection of Jesus' teachings about selflessness and love for others.

Gratitude and Thankfulness: The Bible encourages us to be thankful and express gratitude. Veterans Day is a chance for us to extend our appreciation to those who have served, acknowledging their dedication and the sacrifices they and their families have made.

Promoting Peace: Believers are called to be peacemakers, veterans contribute to the cause of peace through their commitment to safeguard and defend their nation and its values, helping to maintain harmony, stability, and security in a world often fraught with conflict.

Unity and Brotherhood: Christianity underscores the significance of unity and brotherhood among all people. The military is a place where individuals from various backgrounds come together and stand united with the common goal of safeguarding our nation, mirroring Christ’s teaching about loving our neighbors as ourselves.

Protecting and Defending: The Bible acknowledges the role of protectors and defenders. Veterans have held very important roles to protect and defend their nations. This idea aligns with the principles of protecting and advocating for the vulnerable.


As Christians, we have a unique opportunity to extend Christ's love and support to our veterans. We can assist them through acts of service, gratitude, and advocacy. Below are examples of ways that you can make a difference in a veteran's life. We’ve included some links and invite you to take a moment to explore the valuable resources and information contained in the links below. These resources cover a range of topics, from educational content to support for veterans and their families. Your involvement can make a difference, so please click on these links and discover the opportunities they offer. Join us in learning, supporting, and honoring those who have served. Together, we can create positive change and make a meaningful impact. 
***If you find a link particularly inspiring, share it with your friends, family, and social network.***

Say "Thank You": When you encounter a veteran, a simple "thank you for your service" can mean a lot. It shows your appreciation and recognition of their sacrifices.
Helpful information about sending thank you letters and more!
Source One
Source Two
Source Three
Source Four

Listen to Their Stories: Veterans often have unique experiences to share. Listening to their stories honors their service and provides an opportunity to learn from their wisdom.
There are many stories to hear
Source Five
Source Six
Source Seven

Show Compassion: Be empathetic to veterans' unique challenges. Sometimes, simply being a compassionate and understanding friend or neighbor can have a positive impact.

Support Veteran-Owned Businesses: Look for local businesses owned by veterans and make an effort to support them. This can include restaurants, shops, or service providers.
Find a Veteran Owned Business in your State
Source Eight

Volunteer: Offer your time and skills to veteran-focused organizations or local veterans' hospitals. Even a few hours of your time can make a difference in the lives of veterans.
There are so many diverse ways you can volunteer. Check out the many different ways below. You might be surprised by the different ways you can help. 
Source Nine
Source Ten
Source Eleven
Source Twelve
Source Thirteen 
Source Fourteen

Assist with Household Chores: If you know a veteran who may need help with yard work, home repairs, or other tasks, offer your assistance. Small acts of kindness can be very meaningful.

Send Care Packages: Send care packages to active-duty service members. Organizations often facilitate this, or you can send packages directly to deployed troops.
Learn more about sending a care package
Source Fifteen
Source Sixteen
Source Seventeen

Attend an Event: Participate in local Veterans Day parades, Memorial Day events, and other gatherings that honor veterans. Your presence shows your support.
Find events in your area
Source Eighteen 

Donate to Veterans' Charities: Contribute to reputable charities that support veterans and their families. Even small donations can make a difference.
There are so many different ways to donate. You can donate directly to a family with a specific need, set up a monthly donation to a charity, and so much more. 
Source Nineteen 
Source Twenty
Source Twenty One
Source Twenty Two
Source Twenty Three
Source Twenty Four
Source Twenty Five
Source Twenty Six

Assist with Benefits: If a veteran you know is navigating the VA (U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs) system, offer to help with paperwork or accompany them to appointments.

Hire Veterans: If you're in a position to hire employees, consider veterans for job opportunities. Their unique skills and discipline can be valuable to your organization.
Share employment opportunities with Vets
Source Twenty Seven

Educate Yourself: Learn about veterans' issues, such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), homelessness, and employment challenges. Understanding these issues can help you be more supportive.
There are so many educational resources 
Source Twenty Eight
Source Twenty Nine
Source Thirty 
Source Thirty One
Source Thirty Two
Source Thirty Three

Offer a Ride: If you know a veteran who has trouble with transportation, offer to give them a ride to medical appointments, shopping, or other necessary errands.

Advocate for Veterans: Support policies and programs that benefit veterans. Contact your local representatives and advocate for veterans' rights and well-being.
Learn more about becoming an advocate 
Source Thirty Four

Respect Military Customs: If you're attending a military ceremony, funeral, or other event, familiarize yourself with military customs and etiquette to show respect.
Learn more about military traditions and customs 
Source Thirty Five

Whether we offer a listening ear, engage in local initiatives, or provide practical assistance, our appreciation encourages and uplifts. By standing for policies and programs prioritizing veterans' well-being, we demonstrate our commitment to caring for those who have sacrificed so much for our nation. Above all, let's remember to pray for veterans and their families, asking for God's peace and blessings upon those who have served. By showing kindness and support, we reflect the love of Christ in action, honoring the sacrifices made by our veterans and embracing the opportunity to be a source of comfort and encouragement to those who have served. Thank you for your time and commitment to making a difference in the lives of veterans. 

- Torrance Church of Christ

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