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Sacred Scams: Part One

Throughout time, religion has been a powerful force, inspiring countless acts of faith, devotion, and sometimes... a little mischief. Whether it be mysterious relics or outlandish claims of divine intervention, the line between belief and deception can sometimes be distorted. Today we will explore some of the most curious and perplexing religious hoaxes that intertwine truth and fiction. 

Faith Meets Fraud

From fabricated relics to imaginative forgeries, the world of religious hoaxes is a curious blend of mystery, humor, and intrigue. Although religion and faith are inherently the search for truth, history shows that not everything is as it seems. 

The Shroud of Turin

"Full-length negatives of the Shroud of Turin" by Giuseppe Enrie, 1931. Licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0. Available at Wikimedia Commons.

First documented in the 14th century, the Shroud of Turin is a 14-foot, centuries-old linen cloth that has sparked considerable debate among scientists, historians, and theologians alike. Bearing a faint image of a man who has experienced severe physical trauma consistent with the injuries described in Christ’s crucifixion, many believe the Shroud to be Christ’s burial cloth. 

In the wake of the mystery surrounding the Shroud, it has been subject to extensive scientific analysis. Radiocarbon testing has determined that the Shroud likely dates back to 1260 through 1390 AD, proposing it is more reasonable to consider it a medieval forgery.  However, these results have been challenged by some researchers who argue that the samples tested may have been contaminated or taken from a later repair patch.

Some researchers assert the image of the man was created by a process that is impossible to replicate by known medieval techniques, contributing to the Shroud’s allure. To date, no overarching consensus about the Shroud’s origin has been reached. 

The Ossuary of James

"James Ossuary" by Hanay is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0. Available at Wikimedia Commons.

Discovered in Israel in 2002, and thought to be the first archaeological evidence of Christ’s existence, the Ossuary of James is a simple limestone chest consistent with the typical Jewish burial practices in 1 AD. Used to store the bones of the deceased after decomposition, the Ossuary of James was inscribed with the Aramaic phrase: “Ya’akov bar Yosef achui d’Yeshua,” which translates to “James, son of Joseph, brother of Jesus.” If proven to be authentic, it would be tangible evidence of Christ’s brother James, thus establishing direct archaeological evidence of Christ and His family. 

Upon several meticulous examinations that resulted in a seven-year trial, experts revealed that the Ossuary itself was an ancient artifact, yet found the inscription to have been added later. Despite the findings, the court determined there was insufficient evidence to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the Ossuary’s current owner had faked the inscription, and the verdict did not conclusively state whether the inscription was authentic; leaving the issue unresolved and many that believe it to be authentic. 

The Cardiff Giant

"Cardiff Giant" by Andrew Balet is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0. Available at Wikimedia Commons.

"The Cardiff Giant" by Ryan Snyder is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0. Available at Wikimedia Commons.

Possibly one of the most elaborate unofficial social experiments executed by a single person, the ‘discovery’ of the Cardiff Giant quickly captivated the public. Following an argument about the literal interpretation of the Bible, atheist George Hull paid special attention to Genesis 6:4 and hired stonecutters to carve a 10-foot-tall gypsum figure that was deliberately made to look weathered and ancient, complete with tool marks to simulate the appearance of an archaeological find. Once completed, the statue was secretly buried on his cousin's farm.  

In October of 1869, a crew of hired workers unearthed the statue while digging a well on the farm. Presented as the fossilized remains of a prehistoric giant, it didn't take long for word of this impressive find to sweep the nation. As thousands of people traveled to Cardiff to witness the giant themselves, Hull’s cousin recognized the value of the giant and began to charge an admittance fee. Observers debated the validity of the statue's origin, with some holding onto the belief that it was a giant akin to those mentioned in the Bible, while others reasoned it was likely a statue crafted by ancient Native Americans. 

Experts were divided on the giant’s legitimacy. Many geologists and archaeologists immediately identified the giant as a counterfeit and even pointed out the inconsistencies in the petrification process and the tool marks on the statue. Less certain, many theologians accepted the giant as confirmation of Biblical records. The deception lasted 2 months before Hull decidedly confessed. 

In an ironic turn of events, a legal dispute erupted over the fraud and a replica of the fraud. The famous P.T. Barnum himself had offered to purchase the statue for $50,000! When his offer had been declined, he even created a plaster copy and showcased it as the ‘original’ Cardiff Giant. The authenticity over which of the two fakes went to court, however, the judge determined that because Hull’s giant was a fake, he had no right to claim exclusive rights to the fraud. Despite the sham, both Hull’s and Barnum’s giants continued to draw crowds. 

The Donation of Constantine

"The Donation of Constantine, page 318" from the 9th-century manuscript Historia ecclesiastica by Eusebius of Caesarea is in the public domain. Available at Wikimedia Commons.

For centuries, the Donation of Constantine has been a forgery that has directly impacted the course of history. The Donation of Constantine claimed to be a decree from Constantine after his miraculous conversion to Christianity. It is reported that after Pope Sylvester I healed him of leprosy, Constantine allegedly showed his gratitude by granting the Pope dominion over Rome, Italy, and the entire Western Roman Empire. Beyond securing political power equivalent to those of royalty, the decree also declared the Pope to be the spiritual and temporal head of all Christianity, placing the papacy above all secular rulers in matters of both church and state.

Throughout the Middle Ages, the Roman Catholic Church utilized the Donation of Constantine to assert and maintain power across Europe. However, during the Renaissance, the legitimacy of the Donation of Constantine underwent significant scrutiny. An Italian scholar, Lorenzo Valla, challenged the document’s admissibility and conducted a detailed analysis of its language, historical context and accuracy, and its overall content. In 1440, Valla published his work that convincingly indicated that the Donation of Constantine was, in fact, a forgery. 

Initially, the Roman Catholic Church was able to suppress Valla’s findings, but they gradually spread and gained acceptance among scholars and political leaders. The balance of power in Europe experienced a dramatic reform, and the criticism over the corruption strongly supported the Protestant Reformation. 

The Priory of Sion

"Prieuré de Sion logo" by Pierre Plantard is in the public domain. Available at Wikimedia Commons.

During the 1960s, the revelation of a secret society founded in the 11th century, the Priory of Sion, quickly captured the imaginations of conspiracy theorists, historians, and the general public alike. The society’s ancient history declared it was established in 1099 by Godfrey of Bouillon, a leader of the First Crusade, and bore the responsibility of protecting the classified identities of Christ’s and Mary Magdalene’s living descendants. 

Bolstering the validity of the society was a series of documents, known as the Dossiers Secrets, which was stored away in the Bibliothèque Nationale in Paris. The Dossiers Secrets disclosed a prestigious lineup of the society’s former leaders, including Leonardo da Vinci, Isaac Newton, and Victor Hugo. 

In 1967, the publication of The Gold of Rennes (also known as The Accursed Treasure of Rennes-le-Château) by Gérard de Sède made a connection of the Priory of Sion to the mysterious village of Rennes-le-Château in France. However, the Priory of Sion eluded mainstream awareness until 1982 with the release of the book The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail by Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh, and Henry Lincoln. Marketed as non-fiction, the book was an international hit that suggested the society had been guarding Christ’s and Magdalene’s bloodlines and had been working behind the scenes to restore the descendants to power. Inspired by The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail, Dan Brown released his book, The Da Vinci Code in 2003, which indicates that the Catholic Church had suppressed the true story of Christ’s descendants and the Priory of Sion was at the center of the conspiracy. 

Despite the society’s global popularity, the Priory of Sion was nothing more than a fabrication that had become sensationalized through a blending of historical facts, conspiracy theories, and religious mysteries. The origins of the society have been traced back to a man named Pierre Plantard. Plantard and his associates Philippe de Chérisey and Gérard de Sède, concocted an elaborate story about the Priory of Sion’s roots, wrote and submitted the Dossiers Secrets to the Bibliothèque Nationale, and watched as their story took on a life of its own. 

The Jesus' Wife Papyrus

"Gospel of Jesus' Wife" by Karen L. King is licensed under CC BY 3.0. Available at Wikimedia Commons.

The Jesus' Wife Papyrus is a small fragment of an ancient papyrus scroll that was publicly revealed in 2012. With a mere 8 lines of text, written in an ancient Egyptian language, Coptic, a controversial debate about the details of Christ’s mortal life was birthed. The dispute centered around two provocative lines that read, "Jesus said to them, 'My wife...,'" and, "She will be able to be my disciple." The bold suggestion that Jesus may have had a wife harbored various implications. 

Although speculation about the snippet being concrete evidence unfolded, from the onset it also faced considerable skepticism. Questions arose about the papyrus's provenance, as its owner remained anonymous, and there was no clear record of where or when it was discovered. 

As debate over the fragment intensified, various scientific and linguistic tests were conducted to determine its authenticity. Initial testing signified the papyrus and ink were potentially ancient, lending some credence to the idea that the fragment could be genuine. But results were found inconclusive, and grammatical inconsistencies continued to weigh on experts. 

A journalist named Ariel Sabar was determined to get to the bottom of the mystery. In 2016, Sabar published his work. Having tracked down the fragment's owner, the details of his work heavily alluded that it was likely a forgery. He discovered the owner, Walter Fritz, had a history of involvement with fraudulent activities, particularly within the realm of dubious antiquities. 

Albeit the papyrus has not officially been proven to be bogus, the general consensus decisively perceives it to be fake. 

The Letter of Lentulus

"Letter of Lentulus" is in the public domain. Available at Wikimedia Commons.

The Letter of Lentulus is a text that purports to describe the physical appearance of Christ. Supposedly written by a Roman official named Publius Lentulus, who was said to be a predecessor to Pontius Pilate, the letter provides a detailed and idealized portrait of Jesus, that emphasizes His divine nature and remarkable presence. 

Using the 15th-century manuscript, Dr. Cora E. Lutz translated the letter into English as follows:

"Lentulus, to the Senate and the Roman People, greetings.

There has appeared in these times, and, indeed, is still living, a man of great power named Christ Jesus, who is said by the Gentiles to be the prophet of truth, but his disciples call him the Son of God. He raises the dead and heals all diseases. He is a man of average size and pleasing appearance, having a countenance that commands respect, which those who behold may love or fear. He has hair the color of an unripe hazelnut, smooth almost to the ears, but below his ears curling and rather darker and more shining, hanging over his shoulders, and having a parting in the middle of his head according to the fashion of the Nazarenes. His brow is smooth and quite serene; his face is without wrinkle or blemish, and a slight ruddiness makes it handsome. No fault can be found with his nose and mouth; he has a full beard of the color of his hair, not long but divided in two at the chin. His facial expression is guileless and mature; his eyes are greyish and clear. In his rebukes he is terrible, but in his admonitions he is gentle and kind; he is cheerful, but always maintains his dignity. At times he has wept, but he has never laughed. In stature he is tall and erect and his hands and arms are fine to behold. His speech is grave, reserved, and temperate, so that he is rightly called by the prophet, "Fairer than the sons of men." "(Psalm 45:2). Cora Lutz. "  The Letter of Lentulus Describing Christ." The Yale University Gazette. Vol. 50, Issue 2, 1975. pp. 91-97.

Beyond describing Christ’s physical appearance, the letter was used to aid the credibility of Christ’s existence and His divinity. It also influenced Medieval and Renaissance art as depictions of Christ began to feature the physical characteristics described in the letter. 

However, based on the letters first documentation being centuries after Biblical times, the inability to find evidence that confirms the existence of Publius Lentulus or any known historical Roman roles fitting his described position,  the use of language and style of the writing aligning closer to the literary conventions of medieval Christian texts, and the absence of a physical description among the earliest Christian texts, experts debunk the letter, concluding it is nothing more than a forgery. 

Final Thoughts 

Captivating believers and skeptics alike, these hoaxes prove that sometimes the truth really is stranger than fiction. Whether crafted with good intentions, for profit, or just as a playful prank, these stories remind us that it’s important to keep a discerning eye.

-Torrance Community Church of Christ

Faith-Focused Beginnings: Traditions for a New School Year

As the new school year approaches, it's the perfect time for families to come together and establish meaningful traditions that incorporate faith into their daily lives. These back-to-school traditions aim to create lasting memories while setting a positive and spiritual foundation for students as they embark on the new year. These practices nurture faith, strengthen family unity, and ensure that God's presence remains central throughout the school year. 

Set a Faith-Filled Tone for the Year Ahead

Prayerful Breakfast: 
Plan a family breakfast with a focus on prayer.

  • Prepare a special meal together.
  • Each family member shares their hopes and prayers for the school year.
  • A parent or guardian leads a group prayer.

Benefits: Strengthens family bonds and sets a spiritual foundation for the year.

Scripture Cards:
Create and exchange scripture cards with encouraging Bible verses.

  • Spend an evening as a family creating colorful cards with Bible verses.
  • Write personalized messages on each card.
  • Exchange cards on the first day of school or include them in lunchboxes throughout the year.

Benefits: Offers daily encouragement and strengthens faith.

Print these to help you get started! 

Family Devotional:
Set aside a night for a family devotional focused on the new school year.

  • Choose a relevant Bible passage to read together.
  • Discuss the passage and its application to the school year.
  • Share individual and family goals for the year.
  • End with a group prayer and a fun activity or treat.

Benefits: Deepens family faith and prepares everyone for the year ahead.

Find suggestions for passages here!

Service Project:
Start the school year with a family service project.

  • Identify a need in your community or church.
  • Plan and carry out a service project, such as a food drive, clothing donation, gathering school supplies for a family/teacher in need, or volunteering.
  • As a family, discuss the experience and the importance of serving others.

Benefits: Teaches the value of service and compassion.

Annual Back-to-School Photo and Prayer:
On the first day of school, capture a photo and pray as a family about the day and the entire upcoming school year.

  • Take a photo of each child on the first day of school.
  • After the photo, gather for a family prayer.
  • Create a scrapbook or digital album to document each year’s photos. 

Benefits: It creates lasting memories and marks special familial milestones.

Back-to-School Family Outing:
Have fun as a family with an end-of-summer hoorah! Plan an outing before school starts. 

  • Choose a fun activity such as a picnic, hike, or visit to a museum.
  • Use the time to discuss goals and expectations for the school year.

Benefits: Builds family cohesion and provides a positive start to the school year.

Personalized Prayer Journals:
Create personalized prayer journals for each family member.

  • Purchase or make journals and decorate them together.
  • Encourage each family member to write their prayers, hopes, and reflections.
  • Set aside regular times to share entries and pray together.

Benefits: Assists personal and family spiritual growth.

Educational Goals and Rewards:
Set educational and spiritual goals with a reward system.

  • Discuss and set realistic goals for each child.
  • Create a chart or visual tracker to monitor progress.
  • Decide on rewards for achieving goals, such as a special outing or treat.

Benefits: Motivates children to strive for excellence academically and spiritually.

Choose from one of these charts to keep track of progress!

We’ve Reached the End (of Summer and this Post)

As the school year unfolds, maintaining these back-to-school traditions can provide a consistent source of encouragement, instill values that last a lifetime, and ensure that your children feel connected to God’s love and guidance. We hope these traditions inspire and uplift your family during this time of new beginnings and that your family’s back-to-school season is filled with joy, growth, and God’s blessings. 

-Torrance Community Church of Christ

Can You Guess Who’s Who?

Welcome to our challenge! We'll test your knowledge and attention to detail with a guessing game we’ve created. Your task is to dive into the fascinating lives of figures from Scripture and uncover their identities through a series of elusive and cryptic clues. Get ready to piece together the mystery and deepen your understanding of these remarkable lives. Let’s begin!

Clue Set 1:
1: My early years were marked by a dual heritage. 
2: I could be impatient, which was why I struck a rock twice. 
3: My final resting place was concealed and remains unknown.

Clue Set 2:
1: My journey began with familial discord and a special item that contributed to significant changes in my life’s trajectory, involving betrayal and relocation.
2: I was sold for twenty pieces of silver.
3: I stored grain.

Clue Set 3:
1: My name means "rest" or "comfort."
2: I cursed my grandson.
3: I lived through a lengthy period of significant redefinition and reestablishment that was influenced by a change in the conditions and structures of my world.

Clue Set 4:
1: I performed a significant act of healing that involved a ritual and a notable figure from outside the usual religious community. 
2: I sought refuge in a brook where I was sustained by an unusual source.
3: I experienced a unique departure from my earthly existence. 

Clue Set 5:
1: As a child, I slept near the Ark of the Covenant.
2: God called to me in the night, marking the onset of my prophetic ministry. 
3: My early years were marked by a significant vow made by my mother, which involved a lifelong commitment that influenced my role in a sacred institution.

Clue Set 6:
1: I faced a significant challenge involving a law that targeted my religious practices.
2: My contributions included revealing the meaning behind enigmatic symbols and dreams, which were integral to understanding future events and political shifts.
3: I spent a night in a place of extreme peril and miraculous preservation.

Clue Set 7:
1: My life was marked by the promise of numerous descendants, despite initial doubts and long years of waiting for this promise to be fulfilled.
2: My two sons represented different paths and promises. 
3: My faith was tested with an unthinkable sacrifice. 

Clue Set 8:
1: My first husband and I moved to a foreign land with his family during a famine, where both he and his brother died.
2: My life included a notable interaction that led to a significant change in status and circumstance and influenced the continuity of a particular family line.
3: My story is read during a Jewish festival that celebrates the giving of the Torah.

Clue Set 9:
1: My birth was foretold by an angel who instructed my mother on the specific vows I was to follow.
2: I riddled a riddle that led to a dispute.
3: My most trusted confidant led to my downfall. 

Clue Set 10:
1: I established a lasting memorial at a notable crossing point.
2: I led my people to perform a covenant renewal ceremony on two mountains. 
3: I was responsible for distributing portions of land among my people.

Clue Set 11:
1: My initial name was synonymous with a positive and agreeable nature, which I eventually renounced in favor of a name embodying my grief and loss.
2: My return home coincided with the beginning of the barley harvest.
3: I was instrumental in a series of events that led to the continuation and restoration of my family's line.

Clue Set 12:
1: I made a pact that my family would be spared during an attack.
2: I tied a scarlet cord in my window.
3: My faith earned me a mention in the book of Hebrews.

Clue Set 13:
1: I left my lucrative job after a two-word invitation.
2: I hosted a great feast for Jesus in my home.
3: My Hebrew name was Levi.

Clue Set 14:
1: I was absent when Jesus first appeared to the disciples post-resurrection.
2: My name is also a common English name that means "twin."
3: I exclaimed, "My Lord and my God!"

Clue Set 15:
1: I am mentioned by name in all four canonical Gospels.    
2: My name means "rebellious" or "bitter."
3: I provided monetary needs for Jesus and His disciples.

Clue Set 16:
1: I was a physician by profession.
2: My writings are addressed to a person named Theophilus.
3: My writings include precise details about Roman and Jewish leaders that accurately place my account within the broader historical context of the time.

Clue Set 17:
1: I was accused of blasphemy against Moses and God.
2: A young man named Saul was present at my execution and openly approved of what was happening. 
3: I was described as having a face "like the face of an angel" during my trial before the Jewish council, indicating my calm and divine demeanor under pressure.

Clue Set 18:
1: I was educated under a prominent teacher of the Law, Gamaliel, which greatly influenced my knowledge and understanding of Jewish traditions and scripture.
2: I spent three years in Arabia.
3: My path was rerouted by an extraordinary experience that beckoned me toward new opportunities and unfamiliar shores.

Clue Set 19:
1: My story includes the shortest passage in the English version of the Bible.
2: This incident that I am most famous for contributed to the intensifying conflict that surrounded an important individual. 
3: My story serves as a prelude to an event that would redefine the boundaries of life and death.

Clue Set 20:
1: I was given a new name that means "rock" in Greek, symbolizing the foundational role I was to play in the church.
2: I had a vision that was interpreted as an instruction to accept Gentiles into the early Christian community.
3: I was the first to speak to the gathered crowd on the day of Pentecost, delivering a sermon that resulted in about 3,000 people being baptized.

Clue Set 21:
1: My name means "pure" or "innocent," which contrasts sharply with my occupation and reputation among my fellow Jews.
2: I resided in a city that Herod the Great had rebuilt and adorned with a palace, making it a significant administrative and economic hub in Judea.
3: My story is recounted in a Gospel where my name and actions serve as a prelude to Jesus' parable of the minas.

Clue Set 22:
1: I was a centurion in the Italian Regiment and stationed in a coastal city known for its mixed Gentile and Jewish population and strategic position in the Roman province of Judea.
2: I am described as a devout and God-fearing man who regularly gave to the poor and prayed to God.
3: I was the first Gentile to be baptized and receive the Holy Spirit in a manner explicitly sanctioned by Peter, which challenged prevailing Jewish customs and set a precedent for future inclusivity in the early church.

Clue Set 23:
1: I am known for my role as a prominent businesswoman and patroness in Philippi.
2: I became the first European convert to Christianity.
3: My home became a meeting place for early Christians.

Clue Set 24:
1: I am from a city in North Africa. 
2: The Gospel of Mark mentions my two sons by name.
3: I was drawn from the outskirts to partake in a momentous act; providing relief to someone en route to their final mortal destination.

Clue Set 25:
1: My name means "God is gracious."
2: My story highlights the serious repercussions of dishonesty and hypocrisy within the growing Christian community.
3: I fell dead at the feet of a prominent person.

Clue Set 26:
1: My father was Greek and my mother was Jewish. 
2: A close friend of mine sometimes referred to me as his "true son in the faith.”
3: I received guidance that emphasized moral conduct and behavior. 

Clue Set 27:
1: An apostle's long sermon put me to sleep.
2: While sleeping, I had an accident that caused my death, but I was revived. 
3: My name means "fortunate,” which seems to be accurate to this specific incident. 

Clue Set 28:
1: I was a very old widow. 
2: I spent much of my time worshiping God in a special place.
3: I recognized a child for who they really were.

Clue Set 29:
1: My wife and I had the same profession as an important apostle. 
2: My wife and I make a great team when it comes to teaching. 
3: I contributed to the establishment and strengthening of congregations.

Clue Set 30:
1: I was one of seven.
2: My legacy includes the baptism of a specific eunuch.
3: The Spirit of the Lord miraculously delivered me to my next destination.


Print the game here

Congratulations on making it through! By now, you’ve likely stretched your knowledge, but we hope this undertaking has deepened your appreciation and understanding of these pivotal figures and their stories. Whether you guessed them all or found yourself stumped by a few, the experience reveals the richness of faith, perseverance, and God’s purpose throughout the Bible. We urge you to keep exploring, studying, and uncovering the layers of wisdom and inspiration within the sacred text. Thank you for joining us in this exploration. Until next time, may your curiosity and faith continue to grow.

-Torrance Church of Christ

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