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Autumn: The Exemplar of Renewal

Autumn carries a magical charm, the leaves turn brilliant shades, the air grows crisp, and the world around us begins to quiet. As the world around us slows down, shedding the old to make way for the new, it's an invitation for us to do the same. 

Releasing the Old

The leaves lazily drifting downward from the branches from which they grew is a reminder that autumn is a season of letting go. The trees release their vibrant leaves, shedding what has served its purpose, preparing themselves for the stillness of winter. Through this act of surrender, the natural world sets an example for us to follow. In the same way that the trees release their leaves to make room for new growth in the spring, God calls us to release the sins, burdens, and old habits that weigh us down, keeping us from fully embracing the life He has prepared for us.

Letting go is not always easy. It can feel vulnerable to surrender control or to face the discomfort of change. Yet, autumn shows us that through the process of regeneration, there is beauty and strength in release. When we release our sins and lay down our burdens before God, we open ourselves up to His healing and renewal. So, as you witness the beauty of leaves falling, take a moment to consider what God may be asking you to release- let autumn inspire you to let go of the old so that the new can take root and flourish in your life.

Preparing for the New

As autumn fades and winter approaches, the Earth discreetly prepares for what lies ahead. Beneath the fallen leaves and frost-touched ground, the earth is at work, storing energy, enriching the soil, and preparing to burst forth with new life in the spring. This season of preparation is essential; without it, the ground would not be ready to sustain the fresh growth that will follow.

Much in the same way, we need periods of downtime from our busy lives to look inward to refocus on the behind-the-scenes groundwork for our future endeavors. Autumn invites us to pause, reflect, and prepare ourselves for what God wants to do in our lives. Preparing for renewal means aligning our minds and spirits with God’s will so we are ready to blossom anew when the time is right. Take this time to take stock of your spiritual well-being and any areas where it may have become hardened or complacent. This might look like dedicating time to prayer, immersing ourselves in Scripture, or simply embracing moments of stillness to hear God’s voice. When we set aside distractions and refocus on Him, we are earnestly readying ourselves for spiritual growth.

Purposeful Reminiscing 

Harmoniously, as the year draws closer to an end, the vivid hues of autumn dwindle into softer tones. Deep within the soil, trees tuck away precious nutrients in their roots, a quiet reservoir of strength that whispers life through the long, silent winter. Likewise, this hushed lull provides an opportunity for us to look back over the past year, taking note of and drawing strength from God’s thorough commitment and loving presence in our lives. 

Make time to decompress and recollect the abundance of blessings that have made an appearance over the last eleven months. Consider the highs and the lows- the unexpected provisions, answered prayers, trials, and the courage to endure; seek to recognize all of the hidden ways that He carried you through challenges, provided for your needs, and renewed your spirit. Celebrate His love that has seen you through another year and take comfort in knowing that the same God who was faithful yesterday will continue to be faithful in the days to come.

Laying the Groundwork for the Future

A testament to the belief that the efforts of today will yield blessings in the future, farmers use this time to plant seeds that will lie dormant throughout the winter, awaiting the enticing warmth of spring to trigger their growth. In this regard, Autumn encourages us to focus on the long game. Like the farmer who trusts that buried seeds will one day bring forth life, we must trust that God is at work beneath the surface, preparing something beautiful to bloom. 

Now is the time to invest in the unseen— Every small act of faith, every moment spent in God’s presence, and every seed of love we plant will eventually bear fruit.

Accepting Autumn’s Call

From its colorful and bright colors to its gentle descent into winter, Autumn offers us a precious opportunity to mirror the natural world by letting go of the old to prepare for what lies ahead. When we answer this call, we can enter the coming months rejuvenated and ready to experience the fullness of God’s love and the new beginnings He has in store for us.

-Torrance Community Church of Christ

Like, Share, and Follow Christ: What Would Jesus’ Followers Post on Social Media?

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Have you ever wondered what it would be like if the disciples of Jesus had access to social media? Imagine scrolling through your feed and seeing Peter's latest fishing adventure or John sharing his profound reflections on love. Join us as we bring the ancient stories of Jesus’ followers into the digital age, offering fresh perspectives and timeless lessons along the way.


Peter: @fishingwithpete
Peter, known for his passionate and impetuous nature, would have an alluring social media presence. Through his updates, followers would gain insights into the power of redemption, the value of faith, and the grace that allows us to rise after falling.  Peter's profile would demonstrate that faith is abundant with missteps and monumental growth, and would remind us that even our greatest failures can lead to our most significant spiritual breakthroughs.


John: @igotafriendnamedjesus
The Beloved Disciple, John’s post would attest to the foundational power of love, the triumph of good over evil, and the significance of having an intimate relationship with Christ. His online presence would reflect his deep understanding of love, faith, hope, and revelation; prompting followers to see love as a command that transforms, revealing the heart of the Gospel. 


Paul: @paulsinternationalcrusades
Paul became one of the most influential figures in early Christianity. Once a fierce persecutor of Christians, Paul became a passionate apostle and left this world with a noble and momentous legacy through his letters and missionary journeys. His posts would showcase his zeal for the spreading Gospel and his deep theological insights; emphasizing themes of joy, gratitude, and spiritual warfare. 

Thomas: @thefaithfulskeptic
Thomas’ account would capture a compelling perspective on faith, doubt, discovery, and belief. His posts would provide insight into human struggles, the role of doubt in spiritual growth, and the grace extended to those who seek truth with sincerity; challenging us to confront our doubts, embrace genuine inquiry, and ultimately find faith and commitment in Christ.

From Scrolls to Screens

Despite the unique touch of imagination and humor, each disciple would present profound insights into the human condition, faith, and our relationship with Christ. Their posts piece together their personal journeys’ and illustrate that faith is a dynamic and often challenging matter, marked by doubts, revelations, and encounters with God’s grace. Embracing the messages embedded in each post allows us to glean timeless wisdom and inspiration found within the pages of scripture.

-Torrance Community Church of Christ


Teachings from Unsung Figures: From Runaway to Redeemed

From his days as a runaway slave to his transformation into a beloved brother in Christ, the New Testament shares the account of Onesimus that exemplifies the miraculous work of forgiveness and the healing potency of reconciliation. 

 Onesimus' journey begins in the shadows of bondage, as a runaway slave seeking freedom from the chains of servitude. Fleeing from his master, Philemon, Onesimus sought refuge in the humming city of Rome, where he crossed paths with the apostle Paul. It is here, in the heart of the Roman Empire, that the power of God's grace begins to unfold in Onesimus' life. Despite his past as a fugitive, Onesimus encounters the message of salvation through Christ preached by Paul, and his heart is stirred with a longing for redemption.

Paul crafts a letter to Philemon, warmly remarking on Onesimus’ conversion, while also acknowledging the delicate situation of Onesimus' former status as a runaway slave. Paul appeals to Philemon to receive Onesimus back not as a slave, but as a brother united in faith, urging Philemon to forgive any debts and to welcome Onesimus as he would welcome Paul himself. 

Through Paul's letter to Philemon, we witness the beauty of Christ's love at work by means of:

  • Bearing One Another’s Burdens by Modeling Christlike Forgiveness: By offering to repay any debts incurred by Onesimus, Paul demonstrates a willingness to shoulder the consequences of another's actions—a reflection of Christ's sacrificial death on the cross for our sins. 

Paul reveals that forgiveness is not solely a private transaction between individuals but a communal act that enhances unity and strengthens relationships. We witness this when Paul encourages Philemon to set aside any grievances and extend grace to Onesimus- not because he deserves it, but because it mirrors the love and mercy of Christ. We are called to embody the same spirit of selflessness and humility,  walk alongside one another in both joy and suffering, extending support, forgiveness, and grace to others -even at personal cost.

  • Radical Inclusivity of God's Love: Onesimus' shift from a repudiated slave to a brother in Christ illustrates the radical inclusivity of God's love. 

Seeking to bridge the divide between master and slave, Paul urged Philemon to receive Onesimus back as a brother, demonstrating that in Christ, no distinction or hierarchy can separate us. God's grace knows no bounds, His perfect love embraces all. Accordingly, we are counseled to offer forgiveness and acceptance, mending divisions and promoting unity among all of God’s children, and always remember that in God’s eyes, we are all equally loved. 

From darkness to light, bondage to freedom, estrangement to embrace, through Onesimus' story, we catch a glimpse of the intricate beauty of God's plan to reconcile all things to Himself, confirming that no one is beyond the reach of His mercy and love. He invites us to participate in the ongoing work of redemption, extending grace to those around us and bearing witness to the power of His love in our lives and the world. Therefore, may we, like Philemon, embrace the call to love and forgive unconditionally, knowing that in doing so, through Christ, all things are possible.

- Torrance Church of Christ
