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Teachings from Unsung Figures: From Runaway to Redeemed

From his days as a runaway slave to his transformation into a beloved brother in Christ, the New Testament shares the account of Onesimus that exemplifies the miraculous work of forgiveness and the healing potency of reconciliation. 

 Onesimus' journey begins in the shadows of bondage, as a runaway slave seeking freedom from the chains of servitude. Fleeing from his master, Philemon, Onesimus sought refuge in the humming city of Rome, where he crossed paths with the apostle Paul. It is here, in the heart of the Roman Empire, that the power of God's grace begins to unfold in Onesimus' life. Despite his past as a fugitive, Onesimus encounters the message of salvation through Christ preached by Paul, and his heart is stirred with a longing for redemption.

Paul crafts a letter to Philemon, warmly remarking on Onesimus’ conversion, while also acknowledging the delicate situation of Onesimus' former status as a runaway slave. Paul appeals to Philemon to receive Onesimus back not as a slave, but as a brother united in faith, urging Philemon to forgive any debts and to welcome Onesimus as he would welcome Paul himself. 

Through Paul's letter to Philemon, we witness the beauty of Christ's love at work by means of:

  • Bearing One Another’s Burdens by Modeling Christlike Forgiveness: By offering to repay any debts incurred by Onesimus, Paul demonstrates a willingness to shoulder the consequences of another's actions—a reflection of Christ's sacrificial death on the cross for our sins. 

Paul reveals that forgiveness is not solely a private transaction between individuals but a communal act that enhances unity and strengthens relationships. We witness this when Paul encourages Philemon to set aside any grievances and extend grace to Onesimus- not because he deserves it, but because it mirrors the love and mercy of Christ. We are called to embody the same spirit of selflessness and humility,  walk alongside one another in both joy and suffering, extending support, forgiveness, and grace to others -even at personal cost.

  • Radical Inclusivity of God's Love: Onesimus' shift from a repudiated slave to a brother in Christ illustrates the radical inclusivity of God's love. 

Seeking to bridge the divide between master and slave, Paul urged Philemon to receive Onesimus back as a brother, demonstrating that in Christ, no distinction or hierarchy can separate us. God's grace knows no bounds, His perfect love embraces all. Accordingly, we are counseled to offer forgiveness and acceptance, mending divisions and promoting unity among all of God’s children, and always remember that in God’s eyes, we are all equally loved. 

From darkness to light, bondage to freedom, estrangement to embrace, through Onesimus' story, we catch a glimpse of the intricate beauty of God's plan to reconcile all things to Himself, confirming that no one is beyond the reach of His mercy and love. He invites us to participate in the ongoing work of redemption, extending grace to those around us and bearing witness to the power of His love in our lives and the world. Therefore, may we, like Philemon, embrace the call to love and forgive unconditionally, knowing that in doing so, through Christ, all things are possible.

- Torrance Church of Christ

Biblical Hospitality: What the Bible Teaches about Welcoming Others

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Replete with stories and teachings about welcoming others with open arms, demonstrating love, and building a sense of community, hospitality is a practice deeply rooted within the sacred pages of Scripture. Hospitality goes far beyond mere etiquette or social niceties, rather, it is a sweeping expression of love, kindness, and community. Hospitality invites us to mirror the heart of God by welcoming all, just as He does. To gain a greater appreciation for hospitality, today we will use the Bible as our guide as we unpack its pragmatic attributes and provide practical insights, empowering believers to put it into practice.   

Biblical Accounts of Hospitality

The following examples underscore that hospitality is not merely a cultural norm or an act of courtesy; it is a practice deeply embedded in our faith. As we open our hearts and homes to others, we position ourselves to receive blessings that extend far beyond the immediate moment, creating a ripple effect that pulsates throughout our lives and the lives of others.

Zacchaeus and Jesus (Luke 19:1-10): In the town of Jericho, a tax collector named Zacchaeus sought a glimpse of Jesus. Climbing a sycamore tree, he caught the attention of the Savior who not only noticed him but chose to dine at his house. In this simple act of hospitality, Zacchaeus experienced a radical transformation. He not only welcomed Jesus into his home but into his heart, prompting a declaration of repentance and a promise to make amends for any wrongs he had committed. The blessing of salvation and reconciliation flowed from a moment of genuine hospitality.

Philemon Welcomes Paul (Philemon 1:4-7): The letter to Philemon unfolds a story of hospitality that goes beyond the customary welcome of a guest. Philemon opened his home and heart to the apostle Paul, demonstrating a generosity that would become a hallmark of hospitality. The blessing that ensued was not only personal but extended to the entire community. Paul prayed for Philemon, expressing gratitude for his love and faith, and the blessings of encouragement and fellowship multiplied.

Lot's Hospitality in Sodom (Genesis 19): In the thick of the morally corrupt city of Sodom, Lot demonstrated hospitality by welcoming two angels into his home. Despite the impending doom of the city, Lot's hospitality led to divine intervention, sparing him and his family. The blessings extended beyond mere physical safety, emphasizing the penetrating impact of extending hospitality even in challenging circumstances.

Widow of Zarephath (1 Kings 17): During a severe famine, the widow of Zarephath welcomed the prophet Elijah into her home, sharing her last meal with him. In return for her hospitality, God blessed her with an ongoing supply of flour and oil, ensuring that her resources would not run dry. This poignant story showcases how God honors and multiplies the simple acts of hospitality, meeting both physical and spiritual needs.

Abraham's Hospitality (Genesis 18): Before we move on, we cannot overlook the iconic example set by Abraham in Genesis 18. Abraham had been sitting at his tent's entrance when three strangers approached. Without hesitation, Abraham leaped to his feet, bowed to the ground, and warmly invited them to rest and refresh themselves. Unbeknownst to Abraham, these visitors were none other than divine messengers. His immediate and gracious response to strangers did not go unnoticed by God. As the story unfolds, we see that his act of welcoming these strangers brought unimaginable blessings. Among them was the promise of a son to Sarah, a miraculous fulfillment of God's covenant. 

Jesus Teaches Us to Embracing the Stranger

Emphasizing the intimate connection between hospitality and our service to Him, in Matthew 25:35, Jesus says: "For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in." Christ’s teachings about hospitality reinforce the need for love, compassion, humility, and inclusivity in our interactions with others. Let’s take a look at a few of them now. 

Parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37): Jesus tells a story about a compassionate Samaritan who extends hospitality to a wounded stranger, emphasizing the principle of loving our neighbors and showing mercy.

Feeding the Five Thousand (Matthew 14:13-21): Jesus performs a miracle by multiplying five loaves and two fish to feed a large crowd. This event underscores the importance of providing for the physical needs of others and demonstrates extravagant generosity.

Washing the Disciples' Feet (John 13:1-17): Jesus models servant leadership by washing the feet of His disciples. This act underscores the importance of humility and serving others, setting an example for discipleship through acts of kindness and hospitality.

Inviting the Little Children (Matthew 19:13-15): Jesus welcomes children, highlighting the significance of treating everyone, regardless of age or status, with kindness and hospitality. His actions challenge societal norms and emphasize the value of inclusivity.

Eating with Sinners (Mark 2:15-17): Jesus dines with tax collectors and sinners, challenging the cultural norms of His time. His actions convey the message that everyone is worthy of God's love and hospitality, regardless of their past.

Encouraging a Generous Banquet (Luke 14:12-14): Jesus advises hosts to invite the poor, crippled, lame, and blind to their feasts, promoting the idea that true hospitality extends to those who cannot repay the favor. He encourages a selfless and inclusive approach to hosting.

Sending Out the Seventy-Two (Luke 10:1-12): Jesus instructs the seventy-two disciples to enter homes with peace, partake of what is offered, and bring healing. This mission reinforces the idea of relying on the hospitality of others and reciprocating with goodwill.

Practical Tips for Practicing Biblical Hospitality

The examples of hospitality found in the Bible are more than a one-time event, instead, they exemplify adopting hospitality as a lifestyle. We’ve put together some simple, yet constructive tips to incorporate into your daily routine that aid in creating an environment where love and community thrive. 

Open Your Home: Create a welcoming space where others feel comfortable and valued.

Share a Meal: Food has a unique way of bringing people together. Consider hosting potlucks or inviting someone over for dinner.

Listen and Engage: Take time to genuinely connect with others, listening to their stories and offering support.

Be Attentive to Needs: Pay attention to the needs of those around you, whether it be a kind word, a helping hand, or a shoulder to lean on.

Extend Hospitality Beyond Your Home: Look for opportunities to welcome newcomers in your community, church, or workplace.

Serve with Joy: Approach the act of serving others with joy. A cheerful heart in serving reflects the love of Christ and enhances the overall experience for both you and the other party.

Practice Humility: Approach hospitality with humility and recognize that you are a steward of the resources and space you've been given.

Practice Prayerful Hospitality: In everyday encounters, make it a practice to lift the needs, concerns, and joys of those around you to God. 

Embrace Hospitality as an Expression of Love 

Hospitality is not merely a social courtesy but a powerful expression of love that builds bridges, enriches connections and upholds inclusion. Take time to reflect on the warmth of Abraham's tent, the transformation in Zacchaeus' home, the generosity of Philemon, and the widow’s simple, yet powerful kindness. Let these stories not merely be tales of old but wellsprings of wisdom for today, and consider how you can apply these lessons in your interactions with others. Strive to make hospitality a real, everyday part of your life, one that reflects the love and fellowship found within revered pages of the Bible.

- Torrance Church of Christ


Restoring Faith and Rebuilding Lives

   Today we will go through another timeless story and its teachings found within the pages of Scripture, by exploring the fascinating story of Ezra, a figure whose unwavering faith and dedication played a pivotal role in the restoration of Israel. To get a better understanding of Ezra's story, let us first set the stage with some historical background.
   During ancient times, the Israelites experienced a tumultuous period marked by exile and displacement. In 586 BCE, Jerusalem was conquered by the Babylonians, and many Israelites were taken captive. This period, known as the Babylonian exile, lasted for several decades, leaving behind a devastated land and scattered people. However, the tide would eventually turn, as the Persian Empire, under the rule of King Cyrus, conquered Babylon and issued a decree allowing the exiled Israelites to return to their homeland. It was within this historical backdrop that Ezra emerged as a key figure.
   Ezra, a scribe and priest, lived during the 5th century BCE. His mission was not only to lead a group of returning exiles back to Jerusalem but also to reestablish their religious practices and restore their faith in God. Ezra's story is one of recovery, both physically and spiritually. Through Ezra's journey, we will uncover valuable lessons and insights that can inspire us in our faith journeys today. 

Getting a Little Deeper into the Exile and Return

   The mighty Babylonian empire, under King Nebuchadnezzar II, conquered Jerusalem and destroyed the Holy Temple. All of the people of Judah were forcibly taken into captivity and deported to Babylon. This period of exile lasted for about seventy years, during which the Israelites longed for their homeland, ceaselessly hoping to return to their ‘real lives.’
   The exile proved to be more than a physical displacement, as the endless challenges the Israelites faced impacted them spiritually and emotionally too. Stripped of their land, their temple, and their autonomy, they found themselves living as outsiders. They were separated from their religious practices, cultural traditions, and even their language. Internal and external isolation accompanied the separation, forcing them to question their identity and faith as they struggled to navigate living among others from conflicting cultures, unsure how they fit within the new beliefs and customs. 
   Grappling with feelings of despair and alienation, the Israelites fiercely clung to the promises of God, accepting that their exile was a byproduct of their disobedience but also trusting in God's faithfulness to fulfill His covenant. The writings and insights of prophets such as Jeremiah and Ezekiel served as a source of hope by providing comfort and assurance that they were God’s chosen people. They faithfully believed that God would provide. As a consequence of renewing their faith and commitment to God and his commandments, a collective and weighty need to revive their faith and reconnect with their spiritual heritage emerged in their hearts, fueling their determination to return to Jerusalem. 
   It was in this context of longing that the Persian Empire conquered Babylon. King Cyrus provided a glimmer of hope and issued a decree allowing the exiles to return to Jerusalem.

   Despite the daunting task of regaining their identity as a chosen people, the unwavering desire to rebuild their lives, reclaim their land, live under the rule of their own leaders, and reassemble their temple sparked strong-willed perseverance that propelled many of the Israelites forward as they embarked on the arduous journey back to their homeland.
   In total, 42,360 Israelites returned to their native land. Regardless of their enthusiasm to rebuild the temple, they were met with roadblocks and adversity. It wasn’t until a couple of decades after their arrival in Jerusalem that the construction of the temple had been completed. 

Enter Ezra

   Ezra arose as a central figure in the story of Israel's post-exilic era. His commitment to the study and teaching of God's laws, as well as his unwavering dedication to re-establishing religious practices, catapulted his active involvement in guiding the exiled Israelites back to a place of spiritual revival.
   As a scribe and priest, Ezra had a long history of diligently studying the ancient texts and meticulously preserving the Scriptures. His expertise and understanding of the Law were unparalleled, making him a trusted authority on matters of faith. His deep reverence for the Scriptures and his commitment to upholding its teachings set him apart as a faithful servant of God.
   But it didn’t stop there, for Ezra's passion for God’s word surpassed personal devotion. He recognized that the restoration of Israel was not just about the physical rebuilding of the temple, but also encompassed the spiritual rejuvenation of the people. Ezra reflected upon his commitment to the study of God's laws, along with his ability to interpret and apply them. He felt a profound responsibility to pass on this knowledge to the people of Israel, ensuring that they understood and lived in accordance with God's commandments. Ezra knew what he had to do. 
   Allowing himself to be a vessel for God, Ezra set in motion a plan that would position him as a powerful example and teacher among the people in Israel. He reached out to King Artaxerxes, outlining his mission to lead a second expedition of exiles to Jerusalem. Ezra’s request is met with favor. Not only does Artaxerxes authorize Ezra’s petition, he generously provides Ezra with funding for the necessary supplies to aid in worship in the temple, tax exemption, and judicial power. 

   When he arrived in Jerusalem, he was prepared to dive right in and get to work. Presumably, Ezra had an inkling that the Israelites needed his guidance and preaching, after all, by the time of his arrival more than half a century had passed since the first group of exiles had made the trek from Babylon to Jerusalem. Yet, when he arrived, he immediately received devastating news. He was informed that many of the Israelites, including priests and leaders, had once again fallen into the sticky temptation of sin by intermarrying with others who were not a part of God’s chosen people. This was a direct violation of God’s commandments. 
   The implications of the matter shook Ezra to his core. Intermarriage was far more than marrying someone from a different culture, for the Israelites, it was a careless misdeed that allowed the influence of pagan gods to muddle and tarnish God’s chosen people. Ezra was overwhelmed with disbelief by the fact that Israelites would repay God for His mercy and grace, for His works that permitted them to return to the promised land, in the form of active disobedience. Distraught, Ezra fell to his knees and prayed. Shame coated every word as he openly cried out, confessing the sins of God’s chosen. A group of Israelites gathered around him. As they watched, their hearts were stirred by Ezra’s raw emotion. Guilt and disgust angrily flowed through them, and they decided to take a stand and right their wrongs. 
   Ezra tirelessly went to work. He took decisive and uncompromising action. He gathered the community and called them to repent and separate from their foreign wives. He appointed judges in every town of Jerusalem who were instructed to investigate each case of intermarriage. His commitment to upholding God's laws led to a difficult but necessary process of eradicating these marriages, emphasizing the importance of prioritizing God above all else. 

   Ezra continued to educate and encourage the Israelites to follow God’s instructions. A gifted speaker, he facilitated private and public readings of the Scriptures, prudently conveying the teachings and principles with clarity. His fervor and conviction enabled him to properly implement the fine details of long-neglected religious practices into the community. Together, the Israelites purged nefarious practices, sanctified themselves, and recommitted to living in obedience to the law. Their shared commitment to God's commandments was not merely a ceremonial act; it completely rejuvenated their relationship with God and allowed them to fully embrace their identity as the chosen people of God. Ezra’s efforts and influence successfully reshaped the Israelites' spiritual identity, communal responsibility, and sense of purpose. 

To Conclude

   As we conclude this exploration of Ezra's inspiring story, we are reminded of the timeless relevance and lessons it holds for us today. Ezra's story is a testament to the profound strength and diligence of an individual who is deeply rooted in God's Word and committed to its teachings. His example challenges us to embrace a similar dedication to the study and application of Scripture in our own lives. Like Ezra, we can aspire to be faithful stewards of God's word, sharing its wisdom and truths with others, and actively pursuing a life that reflects the beauty and guidance found within its pages.
   In a world filled with distractions and temptations, Ezra's example encourages us to prioritize our relationship with God and to remain steadfast in upholding His commandments. Ezra's commitment to upholding God's laws and his resolve to address challenging issues mirror his deep understanding of the importance of obedience and faithfulness. His leadership exemplifies the willingness to make difficult decisions for the sake of spiritual integrity and the restoration of God's people. It reminds us of the need for moral courage, unwavering faith, and a resolute determination to confront spiritual challenges we face in our own lives head-on that may hinder our relationship with God; allowing God's truth and principles to guide our actions and decisions, even when it be uncomfortable or unpopular. We need to anchor ourselves in God’s word. 
   Ezra’s leadership qualities illustrate how we can uplift and strengthen others. His example highlights the far-reaching impact that his vision, organization, and dedication to the well-being of the community had, causing a collective journey toward renewal. Just as the Israelites found strength and inspiration in their unity, we too can draw from the support and encouragement of fellow believers. Ezra’s efforts to reform faith within the community exemplifies our calling for us to actively invest in the well-being of our fellow believers, encourage one another, and build strong, supportive communities. Through example and worship, we utilize our own spheres of influence, fostering unity, and supporting one another on our faith journeys. 
   As we apply the lessons from Ezra's story to our own lives, let us not merely be spectators of this remarkable account but active participants in our own lives and faith journeys. Let us be catalysts of transformation, seeking to rebuild and restore areas that may have been neglected or broken. Let us actively engage in the restoration of faith and community, fostering genuine connections and supporting one another in our spiritual growth. May Ezra's story continue to inspire and guide us, enabling us to become agents of restoration, faith, and community in our own unique contexts. Let us embark on this journey with renewed fervor and trust, knowing that God's faithfulness and guidance are with us every step of the way.

- Torrance Church of Christ
