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The Power of Forgiveness: Healing Wounds and Restoring Relationships Part 2: Self-Forgiveness and Repentance

Last week we focused on the process of forgiving others (which you can read here). This week, we will take a deep dive into self-forgiveness and repentance. The concept of self-forgiveness is all too often an overlooked aspect of the forgiveness and repentance process. 

The Importance of Self-Forgiveness

   The concept of self-forgiveness holds profound significance, as it aligns with the teachings of love, compassion, and redemption found in the Bible. As humans, we are inherently flawed and susceptible to making mistakes. While forgiving others and seeking God's forgiveness is essential, it is equally important to recognize the necessity of self-forgiveness. The act of self-forgiveness acknowledges our imperfections and brokenness while embracing God's infinite grace and mercy. By holding onto guilt and self-condemnation, we inadvertently limit our capacity to fully embrace God's love and purpose for our lives. Self-forgiveness allows us to release the burdens of past mistakes, paving the way for spiritual growth and a deeper connection with God. It is a humbling act of accepting God's forgiveness and extending that same grace towards ourselves, recognizing that God's love is all-encompassing and unconditional. As we forgive ourselves, we open our hearts to God's transformative power, allowing Him to heal our wounds and guide us toward a path of restoration and spiritual wholeness. Self-forgiveness is not an evasion of responsibility but a courageous step toward embodying God's redemptive plan and fully experiencing the freedom and joy that comes from walking in His forgiveness and grace.

Overcoming Obstacles That Prevent Self-Forgiveness 

   As we discussed last week, forgiveness can be a challenging journey that requires understanding, patience, and compassion. Because of our innate human reaction to hold ourselves to high expectations, we tend to harshly criticize ourselves and hold onto self-blame, making self-forgiveness have even more difficult and extensive obstacles to overcome. We can overcome the various challenges by acknowledging our shortcomings and holding ourselves accountable. When we examine the consequences that our actions have affected ourselves or others, we are able to understand the pain or harm we caused, allowing the room to learn from the experience. This lets us identify any changes that we can make in the future. 
   No matter how difficult, you need to allow yourself to feel the emotions that arise. Common emotions are guilt, shame, and regret. Validate and process these feelings through healthy means. Pray to God and ask Him to release the burden of guilt, shame, and self-condemnation to God. Surrender your pain and regrets to Him, trusting that He is able to heal and restore you. Allow His forgiveness to bring you peace and freedom. You need to let go of the need for perfection and unrealistic expectations of yourself. This can be easier by developing an understanding that growth and self-improvement take time and patience by welcoming the journey of self-forgiveness as a process rather than expecting immediate resolution. 
   A large part of freeing yourself from perfectionism is challenging negative self-talk. Replace these thoughts and self-condemnation with God's truth. Remind yourself of your identity in Christ and His promises of forgiveness, redemption, and newness of life. Be gentle with yourself. Accept God's unconditional love and forgiveness for you. When you embrace God’s grace in your daily life, you are able to extend the same grace and forgiveness to yourself that He offers to you. Understand that God's forgiveness is not based on your own merit but on His grace and the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. Accept that you are worthy of God's forgiveness and that He offers you a fresh start. 
   Meditating on God's Word can help you by providing comfort, guidance, and assurance of His forgiveness. Examples include: Psalm 103:12, Isaiah 1:18, 2 Chronicles 7:14, Acts 3:19, 2 Peter 3:9, Micah 7:18, James 4:8-10 and 1 John 1:9. If applicable, apologize to anyone who has been negatively impacted by your actions. Turn to God and humbly express genuine remorse and repentance. Although daunting, you are worthy of forgiveness and self-love. When you seek out God, He will ease the hardship by guiding you through the whole operation while blanketing you with mercy and love. 

The Importance of Repentance

   Practicing repentance is an essential aspect of spiritual growth and reconciliation with God. Repentance is not merely expressing remorse for one's sins; it is a heartfelt turning away from sinful behaviors and a sincere desire to realign one's life with God's will. The Bible teaches that all have sinned and fallen short of God's glory (Romans 3:23), and repentance offers the opportunity for transformation and restoration. 
   When we adopt repentance, we demonstrate our recognition of our need for God's forgiveness and grace. It allows us to humble ourselves before God, surrendering our pride and opening our hearts to His life-altering authority. Through repentance, we lay the foundation for a renewed relationship with God, one built on humility, obedience, and a desire to align our lives with His will. It is an ongoing practice that encourages spiritual growth, drawing us closer to God and enabling us to experience His boundless love, mercy, and forgiveness. 
   Repentance requires honesty and vulnerability, as we confront our own weaknesses and seek God's help to change and become more Christ-like. Repentance is not a burden or a means to earn salvation but rather a response to God's unending grace, an opportunity to continually realign our hearts and minds with His divine purpose. It is an invitation to experience the freedom and abundant life that comes from surrendering our sins to God and accepting His loving embrace. 
   Through genuine repentance, we demonstrate our willingness to surrender our old ways and receive a new life in Christ. God promises that if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9). Repentance is not a one-time event but a continual attitude of the heart, fostering a deep and intimate relationship with God. As we practice repentance, we experience the profound joy of God's forgiveness and the life-changing influence of His love, leading us to live a life that glorifies Him and reflects His grace to the world.

The Process of Repentance

   Seeking repentance involves the recognition, accountability, and confession of specific thoughts, words, or actions that have fallen short of God’s teachings. It requires full transparency and sincerity when speaking to Him about your sins and your willingness to turn away from the sinful thoughts and behaviors. It involves a pure desire to align your thoughts, actions, and attitudes with His will. You need to submit yourself to Him and ask Him for His strength and guidance to overcome any sinful tendencies or patterns. Ask God to wash away your wrongdoings, trust Him to forgive you through Christ’s sacrifice, and accept His forgiveness. Encompass the process of repentance as an opportunity for a renewed relationship with Him. When you surrender yourself to God, He will help you live a life that honors Him. 

The Comparison of Self-Forgiveness and Repentance

   While self-forgiveness and repentance are distinct, the relationship between them is closely intertwined and complementary. Self-forgiveness allows individuals to experience the fullness of God's forgiveness and love, releasing them from the shackles of guilt and shame. It is an act of accepting one's own humanity, acknowledging mistakes, and accepting the metamorphic strength of God's grace. 
   Repentance, on the other hand, is a response to forgiveness. It is a vital step towards restoration and renewal. It involves a genuine turning away from sin, seeking forgiveness from God and others, and committing to a life aligned with God's will. It demonstrates a genuine recognition of wrongdoing and a desire for change, opening the door for healing and reconciliation to take place. Both self-forgiveness and repentance foster personal growth, healing, and the deepening of one's relationship with God. Through these processes, you embody God's mercy, extend grace to yourself and others, and walk in the path of spiritual renewal.

How to Identify When You Need to Forgive Yourself or Repent

Here are a few indicators that can help you recognize when you need to practice self-forgiveness and repentance:

Conviction of Wrongdoing: 
If you feel a sense of guilt, shame, or remorse over your actions or behaviors, it may be an indication that you need to repent. The Holy Spirit often convicts our hearts when we have strayed from God's will.

Conflict in Relationships: 
When your actions have caused harm or strained your relationships with others, it is a sign that repentance may be necessary. Recognizing the impact of your behavior on others and their well-being can prompt a need for repentance and seeking forgiveness.

Conviction by the Word of God: 
The Bible serves as a guide for our lives, revealing God's standards and principles. When you come across passages or teachings that highlight areas of your life where you fall short, it can prompt a realization of the need for repentance and aligning your life with God's Word.

Lack of Peace or Spiritual Unrest:
If you are experiencing a lack of peace in your heart or a sense of spiritual unrest, it may indicate that there are unresolved sins or unconfessed wrongdoing in your life. Repentance and seeking forgiveness can bring about a renewed sense of peace and spiritual well-being.

Promptings from the Holy Spirit: 
The Holy Spirit works within us, guiding and convicting us of our need for repentance. Pay attention to the promptings and nudges from the Spirit, as they can help you recognize areas of your life that require repentance and surrender to God.


   Altogether, self-forgiveness involves treating ourselves with kindness, understanding, and forgiveness, just as we would extend those qualities to others. When we forgive ourselves, we are accepting ourselves, our flaws, and all, allowing us to recognize that we are imperfect human beings who make mistakes and are deserving of love and compassion. When we hold onto guilt, shame, or self-condemnation, it hinders our ability to move forward. That's why through self-forgiveness we are enabled to admit our humanity and learn from our mistakes and failures without being paralyzed by guilt or self-blame. We are allowing our experiences to be seen as opportunities for growth, resilience, and healing. It aligns with the teachings of love, grace, and redemption, allowing us to experience God's forgiveness and embark on our spiritual journey with a sense of freedom and wholeness.
   Repentance is the subsequent step in the process that is essential for unerring forgiveness. It is a continual procedure of aligning our lives with God's will and seeking His forgiveness. It is a response to His boundless love and grace, allowing us to experience His transformative power in our lives. He is loving, merciful, and eager to forgive those who genuinely seek Him. Approach Him with a humble and contrite heart, trusting in His abundant grace and forgiveness through Jesus Christ. 

Ultimately, forgiving others, self-forgiveness and repentance are interconnected aspects of the Christian journey. Forgiveness reflects God's love and mercy, and repentance allows individuals to experience the transformational power of God's forgiveness, leading to restored relationships and spiritual growth.

- Torrance Church of Christ

The Power of Forgiveness: Healing Wounds and Restoring Relationships Part 1: Forgiving Others

The power of forgiveness is an extraordinary force that has the ability to transform lives, mend broken relationships, and bring healing to wounded hearts. It is a concept that resonates deeply within the human experience, cutting across cultures, religions, and generations. In its essence, forgiveness is an act of letting go of resentment, anger, and the desire for revenge, choosing instead to extend grace, compassion, and reconciliation. Forgiveness is an act of strength, compassion, and self-care. It empowers us to heal, find peace, and move forward in life, free from the weight of past hurts. In exploring the power of forgiveness, one delves into a profound journey of healing, reconciliation, and the restoration of wholeness.

You Have a Choice

Forgiveness is a deliberate and courageous decision that individuals make to let go of resentment, anger, and the desire for revenge. It involves actively choosing to release the negative emotions associated with a hurtful experience and no longer holding the offense against the person who has wronged them. Forgiveness requires the acknowledgment that it is not dependent on the actions or remorse of the other person, but rather, initiating one's own capacity to extend grace and mercy. By choosing forgiveness, one chooses to love, breaking free from the cycle of hurt and allowing healing to take place within their heart. It is a declaration of an individual's inner strength and a refusal to let past wounds define them. Choosing to forgive opens the door to reconciliation, restoration, and the possibility of rebuilding broken relationships. It is a testament to one's capacity for compassion, empathy, and growth. Through the power of choice, an individual can experience the transformative and liberating effects of forgiveness in their life. 

What Forgiveness is Not

Forgiveness is not about condoning or minimizing the wrongdoing or pain caused by others. It is not a sign of weakness or a way to overlook the seriousness of the offense. Forgiveness is not about forgetting what happened or pretending that it didn't hurt. It is not a one-time event that automatically erases all the consequences or emotions associated with the offense. 

Even though it allows the space for it, forgiveness does not require reconciliation or reestablishing trust, but it empowers individuals to find inner peace and emotional well-being.

Forgiveness is a Commandment 

Forgiveness is not only encouraged but also a central commandment Jesus illustrates throughout the Bible. In Matthew 6:14-15, we see that offering mercy is paramount to our own eternal salvation. 

Let’s quickly review some times when Jesus bestowed forgiveness in the Bible. 

Jesus' forgiveness of the paralyzed man (Mark 2:1-12): 
When a paralyzed man was brought to Jesus by his friends, Jesus forgave his sins before healing him physically. This act of forgiveness showcased Jesus' authority to forgive sins and His compassion toward those in need.

Forgiving the woman caught in adultery (John 8:1-11): 
Jesus showed mercy and forgiveness to a woman caught in the act of adultery. Instead of condemning her, He challenged her accusers, and when they dispersed, Jesus told her, "Neither do I condemn you; go, and from now on sin no more."

Peter's Denial and Restoration (John 21:15-19): 
After Peter denied Jesus three times, Jesus forgave him and restored their relationship. Jesus gave Peter the opportunity to reaffirm his love and commitment, emphasizing the power of forgiveness and redemption.

Jesus' forgiveness of the thief on the cross (Luke 23:39-43): 
While being crucified, Jesus was mocked and taunted by the criminals crucified with Him. Yet, in the midst of his suffering, Jesus extended forgiveness to one of the thieves who acknowledged his own guilt and recognized Jesus as the Messiah. Jesus assured him of salvation and paradise.

Jesus on the Cross (Luke 23:34): 
While being crucified, Jesus exemplified ultimate forgiveness by praying for those who crucified Him, saying, "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing." He demonstrates extraordinary love and mercy even in the midst of extreme suffering. 

These instances emphasize Jesus' divine authority to forgive sins and His willingness to extend forgiveness to those who repent and seek Him. Jesus' forgiveness serves as a powerful demonstration of the depth of God's love, grace, and desire for reconciliation with humanity. They serve as a reminder for us of the call to forgive others. 

The Blessings that Flow from Forgiveness

Forgiveness holds substantial spiritual and personal benefits and blessings. Let’s take a look at some of the profound gains that forgiveness yields.  

Forgiveness is a powerful, far-reaching, and multifaceted healing process that encompasses the rehabilitation of all aspects of well-being. Carrying unresolved anger and resentment can contribute to the constant replaying of negative emotions and experiences, which can lead to chronic stress and heightened anxiety. The inability or refusal to forgive can create a heavy emotional burden and distress. Prolonging these feelings can take a heavy toll on your happiness and health. Forgiveness has the potential to release deep-seated emotional pain, resentment, bitterness, and anger. Not only does letting go of these feelings allow for higher life satisfaction, but it has also been shown to reduce symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress. More specifically, it reduces an elevated heart rate, blood pressure, and cortisol levels, and improves the functioning of the immune system. Because forgiveness aligns with core Christian principles and teachings, and challenges you to develop Christlike virtues such as humility, love, and mercy, which aid in nurturing your spiritual wellness. 

Finding Peace:
Unforgiveness can consume a significant amount of energy, leaving little room for joy and peace. By holding onto unforgiveness, you are keeping yourself trapped in a self-imposed prison that repeatedly exposes you to the corrosive effects of bitterness, hurt, and resentment. Forgiveness breaks this cycle of hatred and resentment by empowering you to overcome the natural inclination to seek revenge or hold grudges. When you forgive, you actively choose a different path, one of love over hate. This path fosters a newfound sense of emotional freedom and peace. When you refuse to feed the cycle of harm, you can create a ripple effect of healing and transformation in yourself, your family, your workplace, your communities, and others in society. 

Inner Growth and Improvement:
When you don’t forgive, you impede personal growth and development. By keeping yourself stuck in the past, you are preventing yourself from moving forward, hampering your ability to learn from experiences, find closure, and embrace new opportunities. Forgiveness requires you to confront your vulnerabilities. When you open up the space to learn valuable lessons about yourself and others, you permit yourself the chance to transcend the role of a victim by moving from a position of being wounded to one of greater resilience and strength. You can redefine your narrative, embrace a positive mindset, employ adaptive coping strategies, and enable yourself to bounce back from setbacks and conflict more effectively. 

Restoring and Stabilizing Relationships:

Choosing not to forgive harbors an atmosphere of conflict, resentment, and anger, that ultimately causes a breakdown in communication, trust, and intimacy. It prevents the nurturance of a healthy and fulfilling connection with another. Forgiveness plays a crucial role in thwarting the deterioration of a relationship by paving the way to mend the damage. When you offer forgiveness, you create an opportunity to promote empathy, understanding, and the rebuilding of trust. The vulnerability, integrity, understanding, and compromise required for forgiveness have the potential to create stronger and more meaningful connections.  

Growing your Relationship with God:
Forgiveness aligns with the nature of God, forgiving and merciful. Because of this, when you render forgiveness it is a reflection of God's love, grace, and redemptive work in the world. Forgiveness can be seen as an investment in eternal treasures and a demonstration of faithfulness that also grants you the opportunity to become more Christlike. Basically, when you embrace forgiveness you deepen your faith, and prepare the way for a restored relationship with God, bearing witness to His love and forgiveness firsthand.

Forgiveness is Not Always Easy

Forgiveness is a noble and transformative act, yet it can also be an unappealing challenge. The journey of forgiveness requires individuals to navigate through the complexities of human emotions, confront painful experiences, and the depth of hurt caused by others, and make a conscious choice to let go of resentment. Whether it's due to the severity of the offense, the fear of being hurt again, or the struggle to reconcile conflicting emotions, the path to forgiveness can be filled with obstacles. It’s no wonder why forgiveness is a difficult path to tread. Gaining an understanding of the various emotional, psychological, and relational barriers that surround the hesitation to forgive, opens the doors to empathy, self-reflection, and ultimately, the potential for healing and relief. Let’s explore some of the common obstacles that hinder forgiveness. 

Enduring Emotional Turmoil:
When someone inflicts deep emotional pain, the resulting distress can be intense, overwhelming, and long-lasting. The gravity of the hurt can create obstacles to releasing negative emotions and embracing forgiveness.

Violation of Trust: 
Betrayal of trust poses a special challenge to forgiveness. Rebuilding trust requires time, and extending forgiveness may demand substantial effort and healing.

Perceived Injustice: 
If the offense appears unjust or undeserved, it can create a barrier and hinder forgiveness. The longing for fairness or justice may impede the ability to let go of anger and resentment.

Fear of Repeat Harm: 
Previous experiences of hurt make individuals wary and reluctant to forgive. The fear of vulnerability or encountering similar pain can make forgiveness seem like a daunting undertaking.

Misconceptions about Forgiveness: 
Misunderstandings about forgiveness, such as believing it condones actions or necessitates forgetting, can complicate the acceptance of forgiveness.

Absence of Empathy or Remorse: 
Genuine remorse and the acceptance of responsibility from the person who caused harm can greatly influence the ability to forgive. Without a sense of remorse or understanding, forgiveness may feel undeserved or unmerited.

Holding Tight to Resentment: 
Holding onto resentment sometimes grants a sense of power or control over the situation. Letting go of that resentment may require confronting feelings personal feelings of vulnerability or powerlessness.

Fear of the Process: 
Forgiveness is a journey that demands time and effort. It may involve navigating emotions, seeking support, and engaging in self-reflection. The path to forgiveness can be lengthy and may encompass setbacks along the way. 

Whatever the reason, it is pivotal to rise above the negativity and make a commitment to forgive. 

How to Overcome Challenges with Forgiveness

Forgiving when it's genuinely difficult can be a challenging process, but with patience, self-compassion, and intentional steps, it is possible. Here are some suggestions to help you navigate the journey of forgiveness when it feels particularly challenging. 

Acknowledgment, Reflection, and Acceptance of Feelings:
Anger, hurt, and resentment are normal, and even expected, human emotions. It’s okay to feel them. By acknowledging and validating your emotions, you allow yourself to fully experience and process them without judgment. Once you’ve accepted these feelings, try to gain an understanding of how they impact you by going through a process of self-reflection. Ask yourself how holding on to these emotions affect you. Once you’ve recognized and acknowledged your emotions, you need to consider your triggers and biases, too. Build upon your foundation of self-awareness and look within to discern how you may have contributed to the conflict and dynamics of the situation. The key is to be honest with yourself. When you go through the process of acceptance, and comprehensive deliberation, you have afforded yourself the opportunity to understand that forgiveness is necessary for your own well-being, growth, and emotional freedom. 

Avoid Getting in Your Own Way:
Knowing how the negative emotions are affecting you and why you need to forgive is just the first step, and all too often, it is easier to say you are going to forgive than it is to actually implement forgiveness. Especially since humans are apt at getting in their own way. In order to avoid this, you need to harbor proactivity by maintaining your self-awareness, practicing self-control, and channeling your emotional maturity. This involves taking a moment to pause and reflect on any challenges that arise before responding. Refrain from reacting impulsively out of anger or frustration. Carefully choose your words and actions. By taking the time to respond calmly and thoughtfully, you can diffuse tension and any feelings that are fueled by anger and hurt. 

Focus on Healing and Growth:
Use the experience as an opportunity for personal growth. When you prioritize your personal growth and development, you invest your energy in constructive pursuits. Focus on your resilience, strength, and the lessons learned while determining how you can improve your own attitudes, communication, and relationships. Commit to becoming a better version of yourself, regardless of how others behave. Embracing personal growth can help influence your perspective and foster forgiveness.

Look Through the Lens of Empathy and Compassion:
Try to see the situation from the other person's perspective. Don’t assume their intentions, instead, acknowledge all possible motivations and struggles. Recognize that they too, are flawed human beings, that are capable of making mistakes, carrying their own pain and brokenness, and have the capacity to change. By gaining insight, you can approach the situation with compassion and empathy. This provides the room for you to respond with patience, kindness, and a willingness to forgive. 

Engage your Social Support Network:
Seek the support of trusted friends, family members, or a professional counselor who can lend a compassionate ear and valuable guidance. Opening up to someone understanding and supportive enables you to gain fresh perspectives and effectively navigate through your thoughts and emotions and can facilitate healing and provide a helpful outlet for processing your experiences.

And Your Spiritual Support Network:
Meditate on the immense forgiveness God has shown you, despite your imperfections. Contemplate the depth of His love, mercy, and grace. Allow this understanding to shape your perspective on forgiveness and inspire you to follow His example. Better yet, invite God into the process of healing and inner renewal. Pray and ask Him to soften your heart. Ask for His help in overcoming any barriers or obstacles that may hinder your forgiveness process, and to provide you with the grace needed to enable you to forgive those who have wronged you. Allow His Spirit to work in you, bringing healing, peace, and restoration to your wounded heart. Pray for the other person, too. Acknowledge that they are in need of God’s grace and forgiveness, and pray for their well-being. You need to embrace forgiveness as a central aspect of your faith and extend grace and mercy to others, mirroring the forgiveness you have received from God.

Decide to Let Go:
Not every disagreement or conflict needs to be escalated. Sometimes, it's better to let go of minor issues and focus on maintaining peace and harmony. Forgiveness means prioritizing cooperation and resolution. It is not about proving yourself right or winning. It is about choosing love, kindness, and peace over negativity and conflict. It involves truly letting go of the emotional attachment to grudges, past grievances, bitterness, and resentments that only perpetuate negativity. It can help to visualize yourself releasing the emotional burden, journaling about your desire to let go or writing a letter expressing your forgiveness (even if you don’t send it). Surrender your emotions to God. Lean on him to heal and restore you. 

Cut Yourself a Break:
Be kind to yourself throughout the forgiveness process. Recognize that forgiveness is a personal journey and it may take time. While the process unfolds naturally, treat yourself with patience, understanding, and self-care so you can manage stress, maintain a positive mindset, and approach conflicts with an open heart and mind. 

If Possible, Seek Reconciliation:
Reconciliation may not always be possible or advisable, but when it is, it can bring further healing and restoration to the relationship. If appropriate and safe, consider pursuing reconciliation with the person you have forgiven. Reach out and find an opportunity to meet with the purpose of engaging in open and honest communication that fosters and promotes empathy, understanding, and conflict resolution. Be attentive and fully present when conversing. Listen to them without interruption or asserting your opinions. Seek to understand their perspective. Calmly and clearly, express your feelings. Instead of dwelling on the problem, be proactive and focus on finding resolution and compromise. Don’t get caught up in blame or negativity. Look for areas of agreement or shared goals, even in the midst of disagreements. Finding common ground can help bridge gaps and the ability to work together toward a mutually beneficial outcome that leads to a stronger and healthier connection. 

If Not, Set Realistic and Healthy Boundaries:
Forgiveness does not mean you have to reconcile or maintain a close relationship with the person who hurt you, especially if it is unsafe or toxic. You do not need to accept mistreatment or allow others to walk over you. It's important to establish and communicate healthy boundaries to protect yourself and create a safe space for healing to occur. This shows self-respect and encourages respectful interactions.

Establish a Lifestyle Change:
Forgiveness requires the embodiment of maturity, grace, and integrity in challenging situations. It is a continual practice that requires self-awareness, self-control, and a commitment to personal growth. It is a choice that needs to be made time and time again to rise above negativity and contribute positively to your interactions and relationships. Practice forgiveness often so you can adopt it as a habit. With time, forgiveness will become easier to impart. 

While forgiveness can be difficult, it is important to remember that it is a choice and a process. It may require patience, self-compassion, and support from others. However, the transformative power of forgiveness can bring healing, freedom, and restoration to both the forgiver and the relationship. It may require effort, reflection, and a willingness to let go of the pain, but ultimately, forgiveness is a choice we make for our own sake and the sake of our relationships.

Before You Go

Forgiveness holds immense significance as it reflects the very heart of God's character and the redemptive message of Jesus Christ. Through forgiveness, you can experience inner healing, restoration of relationships, and the opportunity for personal growth. It is a commandment to forgive others as God has forgiven us, recognizing that forgiveness is not an easy task but a transformative process that brings peace, reconciliation, and the manifestation of God's love in our lives. By embracing forgiveness, you embody Christ's example and contribute to a world marked by grace, mercy, and the power of reconciliation.

- Torrance Church of Christ

Dreamscapes of Divine Revelation: Unveiling the 21 Dreams in the Bible

There are a total of 21 dreams recorded in the Bible. Ten of these dreams are in the Book of Genesis, and only six are in the New Testament, all of which are in the Book of Matthew. Two of the dreamers in the Bible are named Joseph, one is a woman, and six are kings. Even though there are dreams and visions recorded, and they both serve similar purposes, they are not to be confused. 

Differences Between Dreams and Visions in the Bible

Some people might be confused about the difference between a vision and a dream. Visions and dreams are distinctly different, but the difference itself is quite simple. The dreams occur when the dreamer is asleep, whereas visions occur while the person is awake. The majority of visions experienced in the Bible happened while the person was praying or worshiping God. 

Purpose of Dreams in the Bible

Celestial Communication is the universal purpose of the dreams in the Bible. This communication is used by God to deliver significant messages that include:

  • Revelations
  • Counsel and Direction
  • Word of Caution
  • To Encourage and Uplift

A Quick Rundown of Each Dream

Now we will dive in and briefly review each dream in Biblical order. 

Abimelek’s Dream

Found in: Genesis 20
Summary: While they were in Egypt, Abraham had instructed Sarah to tell everyone that they were brother and sister (which is technically a half-truth, as they were half-siblings). Abraham did this because, at the time, it was customary for a man to be killed if a person of nobility wanted to take his wife for himself. If it was believed that they were siblings, the man would not be perceived as a threat, therefore, his life would be spared.  So when Abraham and Sarah temporarily relocated to the town of Gerar, they lived under the guise of being brother and sister. The king, Abimelek, was captivated by Sarah’s beauty. He took her to become his wife. God came to Abimelek in a dream and warned him that if touched Sarah and did not return her to Abraham, he and all who belonged to him would meet a swift demise. Abimelek promptly returned Sarah and provided him with sheep, cattle, slaves, money, and land in the form of an apology. God blessed Abimelek for his righteous decision by making his wives and concubines able to bear children.

Jacob’s Ladder

Found in: Genesis 28:10-22
Summary: After all of the drama went down between Esau and Jacob, Jacob fled his family home. While on the run, he stopped to rest one night, using a stone for a pillow. That night, he dreamt of a ladder reaching up toward heaven. At the top of the ladder, Jacob watched as angels scaled the steps. At the top of the ladder, Jacob saw God. God proclaimed that the covenants and blessings He promised Abraham and Isaac were promised for him too, and their descendants would inherit the Promised Land. God told Jacob that he would be with him throughout his travels and make sure that he would arrive back home safely. When Jacob awoke, he used the stone pillow and built an altar. He acknowledged and praised God and His divine promises. Jacob’s dream also reveals the connection between God and man. 

Jacob’s Return Home

Found in: Genesis 31:1-18
Summary: Jacob had been working for his father-in-law for several years. His father-in-law, Laban, had been treating Jacob unfairly. An angel of God visited Jacob in a dream. In the dream, Jacob recounted all of the abuse he had endured from Laban. God showed Jacob the ways that He has still been blessing him. God then told Jacob that it is time to go back home. When Jacob awoke, he gathered his wives and children and fled his father-in-law's house. 

Laban’s Dream

Found in: Genesis 31:22-55
Summary: Upon the discovery that his daughters and grandchildren ran away with Jacob, Laban realized that his house gods were missing. He already felt betrayed, and the discovery of his missing property sent him over the edge. Laban chased after Jacob. While on the journey, God came to Laban in a dream. God warned him to not say anything good or bad to Jacob, just allow him to go in peace. When Laban eventually caught up with Jacob, they made amends and Laban said his goodbyes to his daughters and grandchildren. 

Joseph’s Dream of Grain

Found in: Genesis 37:5-8
Summary: There was no question that Joseph was his father's favorite. Joseph’s brothers were envious and hated him. Joseph had a dream that he and his brothers were binding sheaves of grain in the field together. The sheaf that he had been holding suddenly stood upright and the sheaves his brothers held gathered around Joseph’s sheaf and bowed down. After Joseph relayed the dream to his brothers, their hatred and spite grew. 

Joseph’s Dream of Stars

Found in: Genesis 37:9-11
Summary: This dream immediately follows Joseph’s dream about the grain, and shares the same message. In this dream, Joseph tells his family that the sun, moon, and eleven stars were bowing down to him. In both dreams, God unveils His plan to restore rule to a descendant of Abraham through Joseph. 

The Cupbearer’s Dream

Found in: Genesis 40:1-15
Summary: After Joseph was sold into slavery, he was bought by one of King Pharaoh’s ministers. Joseph was falsely accused of seduction by said minister's wife and thrown into jail. While Joseph was in jail, Pharaoh’s cupbearer and baker angered him, so they too, were thrown into jail. Joseph had the responsibility of looking after the two men. On the same night, both men had dreams that left them feeling concerned. Joseph asked them to explain their dreams. The cupbearer told Joseph his dream first. In his dream, the cupbearer saw a vine with three branches. As quickly as the vines began to bud, they blossomed and quickly ripened into grapes. The cupbearer realized that he was holding the Pharaoh’s cup, so he took the grapes, gave them a squeeze, and the juices emptied into his cup. He then returned the cup to Pharaoh. Joseph told the man that the three branches represented three days. Joseph continued to interpret the dream and told the man that within three days, he would be restored to his position in the house of Pharaoh. 

The Baker’s Dream

Found in: Genesis 40:16-22
Summary: Feeling hopeful after Joseph imparted good news to the cupbearer, the baker recounted his dream. In his dream, the baker had three baskets stacked on top of each other, and balancing on the top of his head. The top basket was full of baked treats for Pharaoh. Birds were flying around and eating the goodies held in the basket. Joseph informed the man that the three baskets meant three days. He continued and told the man that within three days, Pharaoh will behead him and impale his body onto a pole, leaving the birds to eat away his flesh. Three days later, it was Pharaoh’s birthday. As Joseph had foretold, the cupbearer was restored to his position, and the baker met his end. 

Pharaoh’s Dreams of Cows and Grain

Found in: Genesis 41
Summary: Two years after Joseph interpreted the dreams for the cupbearer and baker, Pharaoh awoke from a fitful slumber. In his dream, Pharaoh had been standing along the banks of the Nile. Seven plump cows rose from the river and began to graze upon the reeds. Another seven cows came up from the river and stood among the first set of cows. There was a stark difference between the cows. The first seven appeared to be healthy and well-fed, but the second group of cows was gaunt and unsightly. Suddenly, the group of menacing cows ate the healthy cows. The shock of the dream woke him up. After some time, Pharaoh was able to fall back to sleep and had a second dream. This time, there was a sturdy stalk of grain with seven heads of grain flourishing from it. Then, another seven heads of grain sprouted from the stalk, but they were feeble and scorched by the wind. The seven ailing heads hungrily swallowed up the seven fruitful heads. Pharaoh was awakened. Feeling troubled, Pharaoh called for all of the magicians and wise men in Egypt to interpret his dreams. But none were able to. The cupbearer remembered Joseph and how he accurately interpreted both his and the baker's dream. Pharaoh immediately sent for Joseph, who was still imprisoned. Pharaoh disclosed the details of the dreams to Joseph. Joseph confirmed that the two dreams held the same message. The seven healthy cows and heads of grain meant there would be seven years of abundance. Just the same, the seven unwell cows and heads of grain represented seven more years, but in contrast, it would be seven years of famine. After informing Pharaoh about the warnings in the dreams, Joseph suggested that Pharaoh make preparations for the impending famine. Pharaoh was so impressed with Joseph and knew that God was with him, so he appointed Joseph to be his second in command. When the famine hit, Egypt was prepared and was the only nation that hadn’t been devastated by it. 

The Loaf of Barley

Found in: Judges 7:1-22 
Summary: Gideon and his men were camped south of the Midian camp. God instructed Gideon to have the majority of his men return home, promising Gideon defeat if he does. Once only three hundred men were left, God was pleased and Gideon and his men continued their journey north. Gideon had his doubts, feeling uncertain knowing that the Midianites had such a large army, and he had an army of three hundred. When they were just south of the opposing camp, God told Gideon to get closer and stake out the Midianites, encouraging him to listen to what they were saying. God assured Gideon that if he were to eavesdrop, his worry would dissipate. So Gideon and his servant made their way toward the Midian camp. As they got closer, Gideon overheard a man describing a dream he had to a fellow comrade. The dream is as follows:

 “A round loaf of barley bread came tumbling into the Midianite camp. It struck the tent with such force that the tent overturned and collapsed.” -Judges 7:13

Of course, his comrade knew exactly what the dream meant. He told his friend that the dream meant that the sword of Gideon would come down on their whole camp. He knew that God was delivering them all to Gideon. Hearing this, Gideon was overjoyed. He praised God and ran back to his camp. He excitedly commanded his men to get up and go fight. God delivered on His promise, and the Midianites were vanquished. 

Solomon’s Deepest Desire

Found in: 1 Kings 3:1-15
Summary: Solomon was newly appointed king, newly married, and lived his life according to God’s law. One night, God came to him in a dream and told Solomon to ask for anything he wanted and He promised to make it happen. Solomon praised God, telling him how honored he was to have inherited the throne. But Solomon revealed his concerns. He told God that despite being grateful, he was a child and he was uncertain how to best govern the people, and discern if the decisions he will be confronted with are right or wrong. Basically, all Solomon wanted was some wisdom. God was very pleased and commended Solomon for not asking for a long life, the death of an enemy, or wealth. God promised he would grant Solomon his wish. But there was more. God promised that if Solomon followed Him as David had, God would grant him all of the things that he did not ask for, too. God kept that promise. 

Nebuchadnezzar’s Statue

Found in: Daniel 2
Summary: During his second year of reign, King Nebuchadnezzar had a dream that deeply troubled him. He called in magicians, astrologers, and enchanters to interpret the dream, but it was futile. Frustrated that no one was able to interpret his dreams, the king ordered all the wise men in the area to be put to death. So, on the king's orders, the guards searched for all the wise men in the area, including Daniel and his friends. Fearing for the lives of his friends and himself, Daniel pleaded to God for help. That night, Daniel had a vision and God revealed to him the meaning of King Nebuchadnezzar’s dream. Daniel praised God and demanded to see the king. Nebuchadnezzar doubted that Daniel was able to interpret his dream, so without telling him what the dream was, he requested that Daniel recounted the details of the dream. Daniel described what the king saw: a large statue with a head of gold, its chest and arms made of silver, the belly and thighs made of bronze, strong legs made of iron, and feet made of a mixture of iron and clay. Then a large rock was cut and crushed the statue, the hand that cut the rock was not from a man. The statue was smashed into tiny pieces, and the wind swept it all away. But the rock grew into a mountain that filled the Earth. 

Astonished by the accuracy, Nebuchadnezzar wanted to know what the dream meant. Daniel told the king that his kingdom was the head of gold, full of glory and honor. But another kingdom, one inferior (hence silver), will rise up after his reign, followed by an even lesser kingdom, one made of bronze. Then a kingdom as strong as iron will conquer, but the clay mixed with the iron indicated a kingdom divided. God will come in and destroy all of the kingdoms. God is the rock that will destroy the gold, silver, bronze, iron, and clay. And His kingdom will grow, and endure forever. The king was so impressed with Daniel, that he appointed Daniel ruler over Babylon. 

Nebuchadnezzar’s Tree

Found in: Daniel 3
Summary: King Nebuchadnezzar had another dream. In this dream, an enormous and bountiful tree stood in the middle of the land. The tree was so large that its top grazed the sky. It provided food for people and the many animals that used it for shelter. Then a messenger from Heaven appeared and ordered that the tree be cut down, the branches removed, the animals scattered, but to keep the stump bound with iron and bronze firmly planted in the grass. The messenger announced that God declares the verdict, that he lives among the animals in the wilderness, and his mind be turned to that of an animal until seven times pass by him. Nebuchadnezzar sought insight from Daniel. Daniel was perplexed as he tried to discern the message God had for Nebuchadnezzar. When Daniel finally came to a conclusion, the message was unfavorable for the king. Daniel told him that Nebuchadnezzar would be driven away from the people, left to seek refuge in the wilderness with the wild animals. It will take seven times to pass before Nebuchadnezzar to finally realize that God is sovereign over him, and all kingdoms of Earth. The stump left in the grass indicated that once Nebuchadnezzar acknowledges God for who He is, God will restore his kingdom. After Daniel relayed the message, he begged the king to repent and live righteously. A year later, his dream was manifested. But after Nebuchadnezzar accepted God as his God, his kingdom was restored and he was an even greater king. 

Daniel and the Beasts

Found in: Daniel 7 
Summary: During his first year of rulership over Babylon, Daniel had a dream. In his dream, Daniel saw a great wind coming from Heaven churning the sea. Four giant and fierce beasts rose out of the sea. The first beast appeared as a lion, but it had the wings of an eagle. Its wings were torn off and it was lifted from the ground and made to stand on two feet. The mind of a human was given to the lion beast. The second beast looked like a bear. It snarled, and Daniel noticed three ribs stuck between its teeth. A voice commanded the bear beast to get up and eat its fill of flesh. The third beast looked like a leopard, but with two sets of birdlike wings on its back, and four heads. This beast was given authority to rule. The last beast was the most terrifying of all. It had teeth made of iron and ten horns on its head, and it mercilessly crushed and devoured victims. As Daniel observed the last beast, he noticed a smaller horn emerge, and uproot the three next to it. The small horn had human-like eyes and a mouth. The horn arrogantly spoke. Suddenly, the beast was slaughtered, and its body was thrown into a magnificent fire. The other beasts were stripped of all their authority, but they were allowed to keep their lives for some time. Coming from the clouds, Daniel saw a holy presence, one akin to a son of man. This presence was given authority over all nations, and his kingdom could never be destroyed. In his dream, Daniel was scared, and he asked what it all meant. He learned that the four great beasts are four kings that will rule. Daniel asked why the fourth king was so different than the rest. He was told that this was a kingdom that will devour the earth. This king will speak against God and the righteous will be delivered into this king's hands for some time. But in the end, God’s kingdom will prevail. 

A Message for Joseph

Found in: Matthew 1:18-25
Summary: Joseph had concerns after he learned that his soon-to-be wife, Mary, was pregnant. He knew that they had not yet been intimate. Wanting to follow the law, and not smear Mary’s name, Joseph decided that he would quietly divorce her. But an angel came to Joseph in a dream and comforted Joseph, declaring that the child in Mary’s womb was the Son of Man. The angel urged Joseph to take Mary as his wife. When Joseph woke up, he did exactly that. 

A Warning for the Magi

Found in: Matthew 2:1-12
Summary: The Magi had been sent by King Herod to kill Jesus in infancy. But when the Magi arrived, they praised the baby and left gifts for the family. They had a dream warning them to not return back to Herod, so when they made their journey home, they took another route. 

A Safety Concern

Found in: Matthew 2:13-18
Summary: After the Magi left, an angel appeared to Joseph in a dream. The angel told Joseph to take Mary and Jesus to Egypt because King Herod was going to have all of the babies in the area killed. 

Mary, Joseph, and Jesus Return Home 

Found in: Matthew 2:19-23
Summary: After Herod died, once again an angel visited Joseph in a dream. The angel told Joseph to have him and his family return to the land of Israel. They departed. 

God's Warning for Safe Travels

Found in: Matthew 2:19-23
Summary: Mary, Joseph, and Baby Jesus were on their way back to the land of Israel, but Joseph had another dream where he had been warned to avoid Judea because Herod’s son ruled over the area. So the family settled in the district of Galilee. 

Pilate’s Wife Receives a Crucial Message 

Found in: Matthew 27:11-26
Summary: When Jesus was arrested, the people took him to the governor. The crowd was cheering and chanting for Jesus to be crucified. While on the judgment seat, Pilate must decide what to do with Jesus. Pilate did not see any crime that Jesus had committed. Mid-trial, Pilate’s wife sent him a message, urging her husband to not have anything to do with the death of Jesus. She had a dream where it was revealed to her that He was innocent. Pilate tried to get the crowd to see His innocence, but they wouldn't have it. So he washed his hands in front of the crowd, confirming that he will have nothing to do with the crucifixion of Christ. 

Dreams Today

The use of dreams or visions for divine communication in the modern world is heavily controversial and debated. Right now, we aren’t here to deliberate whether or not God still uses dreams and visions as a source of communication. But we will focus on what we do know. 

We know:

  • God communicates with us through scripture and prayer
  • Our purpose is to serve Him and continually dedicate ourselves to His purpose
  • God wants to provide and bless us
  • If we follow Him, He will provide and bless us 
  • God will give us our hearts' desires

Here’s some proof:

+…for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose. -Philippians 2:13
+Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers, they succeed. -Proverbs 15:22
+May he give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed. -Psalm 20:4
+Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart. -Psalm 37:4
+For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. -Jeremiah 29:11-13
+But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. -Matthew 6:33

Taking a look at what we know, it is possible that God does communicate to us today via dream, just not in the sense we first think of. Instead, God plants dreams in our hearts. Dreams that we hope come true, strive for, and make us happy. As long as we are fulfilling our end of His purpose, He will help us turn our dreams into reality. 

To End 

All the dreams recorded in the Bible, however long or short, hold great significance. The dreams were not only messages for the dreamers, but messages for each of us. Just as God supported, warned, encouraged, and helped the dreamers in the Bible, He helps us too by planting dreams in our hearts and helping us reach success. 

So, keep dreaming those dreams!

Look below if you’d like to read some motivational quotes about God and dreams today. 

-Torrance Church of Christ
