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The Ins & Outs of Prayer Requests

What is a Prayer Request?

A prayer request is simply someone requesting a prayer. When someone is experiencing an event or situation that they feel they need people to pray for, they send in a request urging others to pray. 

What Can I Request a Prayer For?

No prayer is too big or too small! If you feel inspired to ask for prayers, then ask. Prayer requests come in a wide range, and even if your request is similar to someone else's, no two requests are exactly the same.

Here are some common prayer request categories:

  • Heal a disease or illness
  • Recovery from a disease or surgery will be quick and painless
  • Test results are what you hope they will be
  • Help someone turn back toward God
  • Help strengthen faith
  • Ease undue stress and anxiety
  • Ask for guidance with a relationship
  • Ask for inspiration related to financial burdens
  • Ask for wisdom and understanding about a specific circumstance
  • Unspoken requests

It is Important to Note

There is no reason to feel ashamed or embarrassed to reach out for help. In fact, when you let someone else pray for you, you are empowering them, permitting them to strengthen their own faith and relationship with God.

How Do I Write a Prayer Request?

Writing a prayer request isn’t difficult, however, depending on the format of the platform where you place your request if it isn’t catchy it does risk the chance of being overlooked. This isn’t to say people won’t see your request and won’t pray, but it doesn’t hurt to appeal to the masses. 

Here are some helpful recommendations for you to design an engaging request:

  • Create an eye-catching headline or first sentence- Depending on the format you are using to submit your request, you may or may not have a headline or subject line to fill in. If you don’t, make this your first sentence. In one sentence, summarize your request. Keep it short, but attention-grabbing. 
  • Focus on one request at a time- While contemplating your request, you may realize you have a slew of prayers you’d like to request. Set your intentions for one request at a time, don’t ask for help figuring out a way to pay your mortgage that month as well as ask your son to find a job soon. Make a separate request for different needs. 
  • Be detailed without being overly detailed- Express the reasonings you are asking for prayers. Allow the reader to get a glimpse of who you are and your needs. But be sure to not say too much. Don’t ramble on. Keep your description clear and to the point. 
  • Show your gratitude- Add a line in your request thanking those who are praying for you. Let them know that you appreciate the time they are taking to pause their life and focus their attention on petitioning God on your behalf. 

Where Can I Submit a Prayer Request?

There are so many options available to you for submitting your prayer requests. Often, your church will have a way for members to submit a request. There are prayer lines you can call and add your request to, social media groups dedicated to requests, and online forums that you can submit your request to. 

Generally, your request can be submitted as anonymous if it makes you more comfortable. On most of these platforms, you will be able to see other requests, allowing you the opportunity to pray for others. 

We Will Pray for You

If you submit a prayer request to us, you can be rest assured we will pray for you. Every Friday we post a Prayer Request announcement on our Facebook and Instagram accounts. You can post your request in the comment section of the post or message us anytime on either platform with any requests you have.  If social media isn't your thing, we have a site where you can submit your prayers to. You can find that site here. 

Tips for Praying for Others who’ve Requested Prayers

Throughout our mortal lifetime, we will all run into some bumps in the road. Sometimes these bumps are small, mere annoyances, while other times, they can be life-altering events, frightening challenges which we may not know how to overcome; especially in the moment. Some matters may not be considered a hardship, rather someone you know has a job interview and they need some extra encouragement. Whatever the circumstance may be, you can guarantee situations will arise that will affect us, our family members, our friends, their family members, our co-workers, our acquaintances, and everyone. During an incident, someone you know may reach out to you and ask you to pray for them. 

Here are some helpful suggestions to pray effectively for someone else (or even yourself):

  • Pray for all involved- When someone asks you to pray for them, assess the request so you can make the most of the prayer. An example would be your friend coming to you with a request to pray for their sick mother. Take a moment to examine the situation. What is really being asked here? How can you create a better prayer? Of course, you pray and ask God that the mother may be healed, but that’s only scratching the surface. You need to ask God to give guidance to her doctors; set them on the right path. You need to pray for your friend and help them find comfort and peace in this time. You need to pray for the family, the extended family. Ask that they all remain steadfast in their faith. Ask that His presence be made known to them. 
  • Don’t push your perspective onto the prayer- Instead of oversaturating the prayer with your wants and needs, try to discover and understand God’s intentions and for His will to be done. Ask God to reveal His purpose to you. This can help you figure out what you truly need to pray for. 
  • Banish fear- Too often, our prayers are generated from fear. Fear over a disease, fear over finances, fear over the unknown. God wants us to turn to Him in times of fear, and to trust in Him fully. When you are fearful and anxious, first pray that He will rid you of those feelings, ask Him to share some revelation, and then pray for what you are asking. 
  • Don’t forget to check in- Check in with the person who requested the prayer. See how they are doing, if things are better or not. By following up, you are showing them that they are cared for, that they are important and loved. 


Our Father wants to hear from us and to help us. He wants to see us succeed. When we pray, we are communicating with our creator, put our needs in His hands, and trusting that He will take care of us. This doesn’t mean you will get the exact answer you think you want. Fully trusting Him means you will get the answer He knows you need most. 

-Torrance Church of Christ

Faith-Based Bucket List Ideas for Christians

What is a Bucket List?

A Bucket List is a list of goals, hopes, and experiences one aims to accomplish before they “kick the bucket”. Bucket lists can help clarify the desires we want in our lives so we can better work toward achieving our goals. They can provide us with better focus and motivation, supplying us with the accountability for reaching our goals. 

Now, What is a Faith-Based Bucket List?

A Faith-Based Bucket List is much the same as a Bucket List. The only difference is your goals and experiences you are working toward include also working toward deepening your relationship with God and are aligned with Christian values. 

How to Create a Bucket List

Creating a Bucket List should be a fun and fulfilling process. It shouldn’t be difficult, but you will need to challenge yourself in order to discover what you’d really like to accomplish. 

Envision- Exercise your imagination and envision adventures, encounters, feelings, and objectives you’d like to have in your lifetime. 

Create a Blueprint- Design a plan that you’ll realistically be able to follow in order to reach your target. Map out the details and embark on your trek! 

Devote Yourself- Make a promise to yourself to follow through with your Bucket List. Committing will allow you to better focus on your dreams, causing them to become a reality. 

Enjoy the Process- Seek for meaning and purpose. Take a deep look inside yourself and your values to determine goals that will be rewarding. Above all, have fun! 

Faith-Based Bucket List Ideas

  • Read the Bible in a year(there is a Bible reading plan you can follow here )
  • Hop on a plane and travel somewhere you’ve always wanted to go
  • Attend a Christian concert
  • Invite a friend to church
  • Donate to your local food pantry
  • Tell someone how important they are to you
  • Take a trip to Israel 
  • Apologize for a past wrongdoing
  • Volunteer somewhere
  • Go on a mission trip
  • Purchase a gift for a pastor
  • Make and deliver a meal to someone in your Church Family
  • Chaperone a youth mission trip
  • Take an underprivileged child under your wings and give them a great Christmas
  • Forgive someone
  • Watch a faith-based movie
  • Keep a prayer journal
  • Spend Christmas in Bethlehem
  • Lead someone to Christ
  • Join a bible study group
  • Attend a prayer group
  • Memorize 20 Bible verses
  • Send a friend a care package
  • Buy a homeless person dinner
  • Share your testimony
  • Attend a service of a different faith
  • Celebrate Passover
  • Walk the shores of Galilee
  • Learn to truly not judge others

Free Printable

Save and print this free printable so you can start writing your own Faith-Based Bucket List.

Before you go…

Remember, identifying your deepest aspirations is a gratifying process. Fulfilling those aspirations can be even more uplifting and beneficial. If you struggle along the way, seek our Father in prayer. He is always there for you, holding you up when you are down; cheering alongside you. 

- Torrance Church of Christ

Why you Shouldn’t Neglect your Spiritual Health

What is Spirituality

Oxford Languages defines spirituality as: the quality of being concerned with the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things. 

This means spirituality encompasses your whole being, what makes you YOU. When your spiritual health is in decline, then you are in decline. 

What is Spiritual Health

So what exactly is spiritual health? Spiritual health is the health of your soul, your spirit. Spiritual health is in a sense akin to your physical or mental health. When you have a broken arm, your physical health is afflicted. When you are feeling depressed or anxious, your mental health is unwell. When you are questioning your purpose in life, this could be a sign that your spiritual health is suffering. 

Why you Need to Sustain your Spiritual Health

Your mental health and your physical health can affect each other. When one is present, the other may not be trailing too far behind. Your spiritual health affects both your mental and physical health. When your spiritual health is unstable, you pose a greater risk of physical and mental impairment. 

Similar to your physical and mental health, your spiritual health will fluctuate throughout your life. This is why it is vital to tend to it and nourish it often. The more you feed your spiritual health, the less trials will bring you down. When your spiritual health is elevated, you’ll be able to bounce back from damaging circumstances less damaged, spared some of the injuries that could have been, giving you access to take notice of the silver lining. 

When you experience sound spiritual health, not only are you creating a safeguard for your mental and physical health, you are weaving a balance between the three, allowing your being to become whole. You will experience greater satisfaction in your life. You’ll be able to discover the meaning in your life, better equipped to live out the purpose God has for you. As you develop spiritually, you begin to develop a deeper relationship with God, as well as experience deeper connections with those around you. And as your relationship with God increases, peace will start to increase, allowing you to manage stress better, and create a life of gratitude. 

How to Maintain your Spiritual Health

  • Pray
  • Spend time in nature
  • Keep a gratitude journal
  • Meditate on God’s word
  • Go for a walk
  • Do some yoga
  • Practice deep breathing exercises
  • Forgive and let go of the past
  • Reflect on your life
  • Truly listen to others

Scriptures about Spiritual Health

A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones. -Proverbs 17:22

Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones. -Proverbs 16:2

And we impart this in words not taught by human wisdom but taught by the Spirit, interpreting spiritual truths to those who are spiritual.   -Ezekiel 18:4

Addressing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with your heart, -Acts 20:7 

Quotes about Spirituality and Spiritual Health

“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.” – Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

"At any moment, you have a choice, that either leads you closer to your spirit or further away from it.” – Thich Nhat Hanh

“Spirituality is not about being fixed; it is about God being present in the mess of our unfixedness.” – Michael Yaconelli

“Learn to get in touch with the silence within yourself and know that everything in this life has a purpose. There are no mistakes, no coincidences. All events are blessings given to us to learn from.” – Elizabeth Kübler-Ross

“When you connect to the silence within you, that is when you can make sense of the disturbance going on around you.” – Stephen Richards

“But no matter how much evil I see, I think it’s important for everyone to understand that there is much more light than darkness.” – Robert Uttaro

“Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn, or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude.” – Denis Waitley

“When we are spiritually healthy, we realize that we exist beyond the physical and our life has a sense of meaning and purpose.” – Robyn L. Gobin

“God's ultimate goal for your life on Earth is not comfort but character development. He wants you to grow up spiritually and become like Christ. Christlikeness is all about transforming your character, not your personality.” – Rick Warren

“God will test you because he wants you to grow up. He wants you to mature. He wants you to develop a walk with him that is not based on your fluctuating emotions but on your commitment to him as you learn to walk by faith.” – Greg Laurie

“And above all, remember that the meaning of life is to build a life as if it were a work of art.” – Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel

“Anybody can thank God for good things. But when you can thank God even in the bad things, your faith grows and your spiritual roots go deeper.” – Rick Warren


Spiritual health is fluid, at times it will waver. However, when you are steadfast in your spiritual journey, you’ll become better able to overcome the periods of low. When your level of spiritual health is high, your actions and words begin to align with God’s values, thereby revealing the purpose that God has for you in this life. It isn’t always an easy task, but you have the Lord by your side to carry you when you stumble. 

- Torrance Church of Christ
