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The Magi’s Gifts: What Can We Offer Jesus Today?

When we think of the first Christmas gifts, it's easy to turn our thoughts toward the Magi—those mysterious visitors from the East who traveled far to worship the newborn King. They brought gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh—each deeply symbolic of who Jesus is and what He came to do. While we may not have treasures like these to lay before the Savior today, the question remains: What can we give the Savior who has given us everything? The answer lies in the way we live, love, and serve.

The Meaning of the Magi’s Gifts

The gifts brought by the Magi were not random; each held significance, revealing the multifaceted nature of Christ—our King, our God, and our Savior.

Gold: The Gift for a King
Gold was a gift fit for royalty, acknowledging Christ as the King of Kings. It speaks to His authority and eternal reign.

Frankincense: The Gift for Worship
Representing worship and prayer, Frankincense is a fragrant resin used in temple rituals. As a gift, it declares Christ’s divinity and the call for devotion.

Myrrh: The Gift for Sacrifice
Myrrh is an ancient burial spice. Correspondingly, it foreshadowed Christ’s suffering and sacrificial death for humanity.

Our Gifts to Lay Before the Manger

While we may not bring physical treasures like the Magi, we can still offer Him meaningful gifts that honor and demonstrate His significance in our lives. 

Here are three gifts we can bring to the Savior today:

Our Time: A Gift of Presence
Dedicate moments each day to prayer, Bible reading, and worship. Intentionally prioritizing time with Him each day keeps Him first place in our lives. 

Our Talents: A Gift of Praise
Use your God-given abilities to serve others and glorify Him. It doesn’t matter what our talents are– every talent can be an act of worship.

Our Treasures: A Gift of Generosity
Give financially or materially to support the church, missions, or those in need. Sharing our resources demonstrates gratitude and trust in God as our ultimate provider.

The Finest Gift We Can Lay

The most precious treasure we can give Christ is the fullest offering of ourselves. That is, we must live a life fully surrendered to Him and honor Him daily through our actions, thoughts, and words.

This looks like:

Daily Appreciation
Gratitude keeps your heart focused on Christ’s goodness. Take time each day to recognize and appreciate the blessings in your life and thank God for all He provides. 

Morning Appointments
Start your mornings connecting with God through prayer and seek His guidance for the day ahead. 

Compassionate Service
Look for opportunities to show kindness and meet the needs of those around you.

Regular Bible Reading
Align with His will through consistent Bible study. 

Handing the Reigns to God
Live with open hands and regularly submit your goals and decisions to God, trusting Him to take the lead. 

Radiating His Light
Let your life reflect His light, and be sure that you conduct yourself in a way that points others to Christ. This involves making choices that Honor God– from how you spend your time to how you treat others.

Laying Our Gifts Before Him

The Magis prompt us to consider the real meaning behind gift-giving during the Christmas season. Though we may not bring gold, frankincense, or myrrh, we can offer gifts of far greater meaning: our time, talents, and treasures, all humbly surrendered in reverence. As we celebrate His birth, let’s dedicate ourselves to giving Him the best we have and aspire to live lives that are a continuous offering of love and praise to the King of Kings. Afterall, it is He who has given us the greatest gift of all– Himself. 

-Torrance Community Church of Christ
