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The Beauty of Creation: Appreciation of God's Handiwork Part 5: Identifying God’s Nature with Nature

Spanning the warm mellow tranquility of a light breeze on a sunny day, the impenetrable aura of the towering mountains, to the titillating delight and satiety inclusive to the bite of a tenderly lush piece of fruit, nature offers us a glimpse into the heart of God and His eternal truths. We invite you to read along as we consider the symbolism of implicit wisdom embedded within the physically tangible aspects of creation. 

Discovering the Natural Essense of God

One of the most striking aspects of creation is the fact that the natural world is not simply a collection of random phenomena, but a living testament of who God is; revealing His intent, power, wisdom, and love. 

The examples below unmask God’s fingerprint:

+Aerodynamics of Birds: birds flying overhead represent the freedom we find in Christ, soaring above the cares of this world and resting in His promises. 
+Aurora Borealis: represents God's wonder and majesty; a manifestation of His glory on display in the heavens.
+Bamboo: represents God’s ability to bend but not break His people. 
+Bees: represent God's industry. 
+Cacti: represent God's resilience and the unceasing assurance of His sustenance. 
+Caterpillars' Metamorphosis: represents God’s desire for us to become new creations in Christ. 
+Changing Colors of Autumn Leaves: represent the beauty of letting go and trusting in God's timing and provision.
+Circle of Life within the Food Chain: represents God’s foresight and provision of nourishment. 
+Clay: represents God's sovereignty as the Potter, His creative power, and the molding of His people according to His purpose.
+Clear Quartz: represents God's clarity, purity, and the reflection of His light and truth. Doves: represent the presence of God's grace and guidance.
+Fish: represent the discipleship, referencing Jesus' call to his followers to become "fishers of men."
+Flowers in Bloom: represent God's promise of renewal and resurrection.
+Fossils: represent God's enduring presence- His faithfulness spanning across all time. 
+Geodes: represent God's hidden treasures- His beauty found within seemingly ordinary places.
+Gravitational Pull of the Moon and Tides: represent the inherent ebb and flow of mortal life and our unique spiritual journey, marked with junctures of abundance, scarcity, joy, and sorrow. 
+Hawk: represents God's watchfulness and  His care for His creation. 
+Icebergs: represent God's veiled depths- His boundless excellence beyond what is visible, and His mysteries yet to be revealed.
+Lambs: represent innocence, purity, and the atoning sacrifice of Christ.
+Lightning: represents God’s sudden intervention and His power. 
+Moss-covered Rocks: represent God's grace and the covering of sin. 
+Mountains: represent God's strength, majesty, and the steadfastness of His character.
+Mushrooms: represent God’s ability to bring forth life from decay. 
+Ocean: represents the mystery of God’s ways and the vastness and depth of His love and mercy, stretching out endlessly and enveloping us in His embrace. 
+Rain: represents the outpouring of God’s blessings upon the earth. 
+Rainbows: represent God's promise, faithfulness, and His covenant relationship with humanity. 
+Rivers and Streams: represent refreshment of the soul.
+Rocks: represent God's stability, strength, and the foundation of faith upon which His people stand.
+Fruit: represents the abundance of God's blessings.
+Seeds: represent the potential, growth, and abundance of God's blessings. 
+Sunrise: represents the light of Christ, who illuminates the darkness of our lives with His grace and truth. 
+Tsunamis: represent God’s caliber to humble humanity. 
+Waterfalls: represent the cleansing and purifying power of God's Spirit, washing away our sins and renewing us from within. 

The sampling above is substantially modest, as a plethora of epitomes infuse all of creation. Ruminate on this for a moment- can you think of additional cases? 

He is Everywhere

Every aspect of creation is a meticulously crafted masterpiece, intricately woven together to reflect God’s nature and purpose. In the rhythm of the waves and the whisper of the wind, we hear His voice speaking life and love into the world, inviting us to draw closer to Him. As you gaze upon the glorious wonders of the world, aim to perceive past the surface beauty and recognize the deeper values and basis lurking beneath. Continue to explore and discover the spiritual riches, allowing each sunrise and sunset to awaken your soul to the limitless depths of His grace and goodness. 

-Torrance Church of Christ
