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20 Daily Affirmations for Christians

What are Daily Affirmations?

Daily Affirmations are statements that you can repeat to yourself. They are positive and uplifting declarations that you can repeat out loud or silently in your head. 

What is the Purpose of Daily Affirmations?

Affirmations are used to negate the effects of negative thoughts. When you use affirmations, you are essentially replacing a negative thought with a positive one. You can create neural pathways to retrain your brain with a new pattern of thinking. Examples of more commonly used affirmations are:

I am successful.

I am loved.

I am worthy. 

As you can see, affirmations are commonly used to raise self-esteem, empower, and motivate. When you repeat these statements, you plant the seed in your brain and with continued use, that seed will flourish and you’ll be able to see outward changes. 

Why Should Christians use Daily Affirmations?

You don’t have to use Daily Affirmations. It is a purely personal choice. The affirmations we have compiled below are meant to be looked at as helpful reminders of your faith in God. These affirmations will help you to stay true to your values. 

- Torrance Church of Christ
